SREDELJKA NA GAJBI powered by Jack Daniel’s
Three gullivers
Three Gullivers je eksperimentalni Free Jazz Punk izraz tri priznata balkanska muzičara, okupljenih u ovom projektu.
Po njihovim rečima radi se o želji da binu pretvore u hram , gdje napuštaju bilo kakav oblik racionalnog sviranja i prepuštaju se drevnom ritualu padanja u trans.
NIje preporučljivo za starije osobe, decu, ljude slabih živaca i narušenog zdravlja.
Bend čine :
Antonije Pušić
Igor Malešević
Miroslav Tovirac
Ulaz slobodan
Informacije 0698300770
Karadjordjeva 44EVERY WEDNESDAY antil 31.01.2018 powered by Jack Daniel’s
Three gullivers
20/12 / 22h
Three Gullivers is an experimental Free Jazz Punk expression by three recognized Balkan musicians, gathered in this project.
In their words, they want to turn the stage into a temple, where they leave any form of rational playing and give up the ancient ritual of falling into the trance.
It is not recommended for the elderly, children, people with weak nerves and impaired health.
The band consists of:
Antonije Pusic
Igor Malešević
Miroslav Tovirac
Entrance free
Information 0698300770