Legendarna ARKONA u Novom Sadu!
Miljenici srpske publike, ruski pagan metalci Arkona, nastupiće 3. februara u novosadskom klubu SKCNS Fabrika! Biće to odlična prilika da među prvima čujemo numere sa predstojećeg albuma Khram, koji će biti objavljen početkom naredne godine za Napalm Records.
„Dugoočekivani album biće nešto najbolje što je Arkona snimila do sada. Materijal na kome su uvršteni najbolji momenti dosadašnje karijere uz mnoge nove zvukove čela, duvačkih instrumenata, pa sve do omota na kojem su radili svi članovi benda i tekstova koje je Maša napisala svojom krvlju – najavljuje izdavač.“
Na novom Arkona albumu će se naći sedam pesama, te intro i outro, a tracklist izgleda ovako: 1. Mantra (Intro), 2. Shtorm, 3. Tseluya zhizn’, 4. Rebionok bez imeni, 5. Khram, 6. V pogonie za beloj ten’yu, 7. V ladonyah bogov, 8. Volchitsa, 9. Mantra (Outro).
– Ulaznice u prodaji od 14. novembra na svim Gigstix prodajnim mestima, kao i online putem Gigstix sajta:
1.600 din / akcija prvih 50 ulaznica (samo u Gigstix)
2.000 din / pretprodaja
2.500din / na dan koncerta
– Oldschool štampane ulaznice su u prodaji u Mungos šopu (NS) kao i Felix šopu (Bg).
Uskoro više informacija o gostima koji će nastupiti isto veče.
Serbian billionaire fans, Russian pagan metalmen Arkona, will perform on February 3rd at the Novi Sad club SKCNS Fabrika! It will be a great opportunity to hear among the first tracks from the upcoming album Khram, which will be released early next year for Napalm Records.
„The long-awaited album will be the best that Arkona has recorded so far. The material that included the best moments of his career so far with many new sounds of foreheads, wind instruments, all the way to the covers on which all the members of the band and the lyrics that Maša wrote with their blood – announces the publisher. “
On the new Arkona album will be found seven songs, intro and outro, and the tracklist looks like this: 1. Mantra (Intro), 2. Shtorm, 3. Tseluya zhizn ‘, 4. Rebionok without names, 5. Khram, 6. V drives for white ten’yu, 7. In ladonyah godov, 8. Volchitsa, 9. Mantra (Outro).
– Tickets for sale from November 14th at all Gigstix outlets as well as online via Gigstix site:
1,600 din / stocks of the first 50 tickets (Gigstix only)
2.000 din / pre-sale
2.500din / on the day of the concert
– Oldschool printed tickets are on sale at Mungos Shop (NS) and Felix Shop (Bg).
Soon more information about the guests who will perform the same evening.