CHEZ 186, 21.12.2017. Galerija Siva

CHEZ 186, 21.12.2017. Galerija Siva
Luigija Pierottia 11, Zagreb

CHEZ 186 u Galeriji Siva
Četvrtak, 21.12.2017. u 20:00 sati

Chez 186 je graffiti writer koji je na domaćoj graffiti sceni prisutan već 20 godina i koji je svojim specifičnim stilom obilježio rad aktivne generacije graffiti writera u Hrvatskoj. Svoje prve poteze sprejem radio je po zidovima diljem Slavonije, odakle je porijeklom, a zadnjih godina svoje djelovanje bazira u Zagrebu, uz neprestane izlete po ostatku zemlje, regije i Europe.
U svojem radu Chez 186 oduvijek je propitkivao granice u koje su klasični graffiti bili postavljeni te se poigravao s njihovim nepisanim pravilima, što se može vidjeti i u presjeku njegovih djela, bilo da je riječ o gradskim fasadama, zidovima ili platnu. S vremenom je u svijet graffita na mala vrata počeo unositi apstraktne elemente, da bi u konačnici njegov rad postao obilježen i prepoznat po eksperimentiranju u korištenju graffiti tehnika i stilova s apstraktnim elementima, bez obzira na medij, tehniku ili situaciju.
Apstrakcija i eksperimentiranje sa svime onime nastalim i naučenim tijekom dvadesetogodišnjeg rada i života na graffiti sceni bit će predstavljeno u zagrebačkoj „Galeriji Siva“ u prostoru AKC „Medika“ u četvrtak, 21.12.2017. godine od 20 sati. Pozivamo vas u što većem broju na otvorenje izložbe i prije svega dobro druženje, za čiju će glazbenu podlogu biti zadužen DJ Grandmaster Plotz & The Furious none. 186 in the Gray Gallery
Thursday, December 21, 2017 at 08 pm

Chez 186 is a graffiti writer who has been present on the domestic graphite scene for 20 years and who with his specific style marked the work of an active generation of graphic writers in Croatia. His first moves of reception was worked on the walls throughout Slavonia, from where he originated, and in recent years his activities have been based in Zagreb, along with constant trips to the rest of the country, the region and Europe.
In his work, Chez 186 has always questioned the boundaries in which classical graphites were set up and played with their unwritten rules, which can be seen in the cross section of his works, whether it’s about urban facades, walls or canvases. Over time, graffiti began to enter abstract elements into the world of graffiti, in order to finally get his work marked and recognized by experimenting with the use of graphite techniques and styles with abstract elements, regardless of medium, technique or situation.
Abstraction and experimentation with everything created and learned during twenty years of work and life on the graphic scene will be presented at the Zagreb „Gray Gallery“ in AKC „Medika“ on Thursday, December 21, 2017. year of 20 hours. We invite you as much as possible to the opening of the exhibition and above all good socializing, for which the music background will be in charge of DJ Grandmaster Plotz & The Furious none.


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