Pozivamo vas 25. decembra, u 19 sati, u Amfiteatar Narodne biblioteke Srbije na „Razgovor o tajni“, a povodom objavljene knjige akademika Vladete Jerotića „O tajni“ (Ars libri, 2017).
U razgovoru učestvuju: dr Bojan Jovanović, antropolog, i akademik Vladeta Jerotić.
Polazeći od teze da je tajna nešto nepoznato, skriveno, zagonetno, nepojmnjivo i misteriozno, akademik Jerotić zapaža da je Tajna svepristuna. Ona je svuda: u nauci, filosofiji, umetnosti, politici i najviše u religiji.
Učesnici razgovora pozabaviće se fenomenom tajne pre svega u religijskom aspektu, razmatrajući sledeća pitanja: tajna sveta, tajna čovekove potrebe za stvaranjem i savršenstvom, tajna molitve, tajna iskušenja i slobodne volje, tajna ljubavi, smrti i života posle smrti.
Ulaz je slobodan!
Dobro došli!!We invite you to the Amphitheater of the National Library of Serbia on December 25, at 19:00, on the „Talk about the secret“, and on the occasion of the published book of the academician Vladeta Jerotić „About the secret“ (Ars libri, 2017).
The discussion is attended by: Dr. Bojan Jovanović, anthropologist, and academician Vladeta Jerotić.
Starting from the thesis that the secret is something unknown, hidden, mysterious, unimaginable and mysterious, academician Jerotic notices that the Secret is all-pervading. It is everywhere: in science, philosophy, art, politics, and most in religion.
The participants in the conversation will deal with the phenomenon of secrecy, primarily in the religious aspect, considering the following issues: the secret of the world, the secret of man’s need for creation and perfection, the secret of prayer, the secret temptations and free will, the secret of love, death and life after death.
The entrance is free!