Ekskluzivni novogodišnji gig 2. januara, kao najava bogate koncertne sezone, ujedno će biti i premijerni beogradski nastup Artana sa novim gitaristom benda Ivanom Skopulovičem.
“Dođite da vidite šta radimo. Dugo nas nije bilo u Beogradu i imamo puno razloga za svirku: Sviraćemo nove pesme, novi singl/spot „Nije svejedno“ nam izlazi 20.12. i drago nam je što u Novu godinu ulazimo jednim ovako prisnim, klupskim nastupom, na pola metra od publike.“ – ističu članovi popularne beogradske četvorke.
Prvih 50 karata po spektakularnoj ceni od 500din će (jako kratko) biti u prodaji od četvrtka 14.12. u kafeu Šikarica.
DOBRODOŠLI!The exclusive New Year’s Gig on January 2, as the announcement of a rich concert season, will be also the premiere Belgrade performance Artana with the new band guitarist Ivan Skopulovic.
„Come see what we do. We were not in Belgrade for a long time and we have a lot of reasons for the gig: we will play new songs, the new single / „It’s Not Everything“ will come out on 20.12. and we are glad that in the New Year we are entering one such intimate, club performance, half a meter away from the audience. „- say the members of the popular Belgrade four.
The first 50 tickets at a spectacular price of 500din will (very shortly) be on sale from Thursday, 14.12. in the cafe Šikarica.