Mladi Kjanu Rivs i zauvek mladi River Finiks su dva Portlandska klošara sa mnogo dubljom pričom nego što se da pomisliti na prvi pogled. U trenutku potpunog zasićenja životom koji žive polaze putem promene koji će ih ostaviti večno rastavljene.
Ovo je jedan od prvih filmova Gas Van Santa koji je dobio široko priznanje kritike i publike i osvojio veliki broj nagrada na međunarodnim festivalima.
Program će voditi Nenad Tesla, filmski reditelj i dopisni član časopisa KUŠ! na teme pozorišta i filma sa gostom iznenađenja.
Film traje 104 min i počeće u 18:00h. Obucite se toplo i potrudite se da stignete na vreme.
Kao i uvek ulaz će biti besplatan.
Program se realizuje u saradnji sa grupom P.D.F. iliti Predlagac dobrih filmova (samo za filmofile) koja se sa svojim članovima trudi da ni jedan dobar film ne ostane bez svog gledaoca.Young Kayan Rivs and forever young River Finiks are two Portlandian bastard with a much deeper story than to think at first glance. At the time of total saturation, the living lives flow through a change that will leave them eternally disassembled.
This is one of the first Gas Van Santa films to receive wide acclaim for critics and audiences and won a number of awards at international festivals.
The program will be directed by Nenad Tesla, film director and correspondent member of the KUŠ magazine! on the themes of theater and film with the guest of surprise.
The film lasts 104 minutes and starts at 18:00. Swim warm and make sure you arrive on time.
As always, the entrance will be free.
The program is implemented in cooperation with the group P.D.F. The Producer of good films (film-only films only), who tries with his members that no good movie is left without his viewer.