Ovoga puta autor stranice Rokafana vrti rnr hitove u kultnom zemunskom klubu Fest, sto znaci jos vise ljudi i jos glasniji i tvrdji rokenrol vremeplov kroz poslednje 4 decenije gitarskog zvuka. Badnje vece na drugaciji nacin uz zvuke whitesnakea, zeppelina, culta, van halena, maidena, billy idola, ramonesa, genesisa, queena, claptona, metallice, pantere, nirvane, pearl jama, foo fightersa , system of a down, queens of the stone age i mnogih drugih starih i novih : )
6.januar – Klub Fest – Rokafana 2 – RnR Xmas – vidimo se : )
Ulaz besplatan : )
The first one was great, so another event is coming right away:)
This time, the author of Rokafan’s website revolves rnr hits in the cult Zemun club Fest, which means even more people and even louder and hard rockerel of time machines over the last 4 decades of guitar sound. Christmas Eve in a different way with the sounds of whitesnake, zeppelin, cult, van halen, maiden, billy idol, ramones, genesis, queena, clapton, metallica, pantera, nirvana, pearl cave, foo fighters, system of a down, queens of the stone age and many other old and new ones:)
January 6 – Club Fest – Rokafana 2 – RnR Xmas – see you:)
Entrance free:)