Bjesovi će u klubu Fest u Zemunu 13.januara 2018.godine promovisati remasterizovano izdanje albuma „Sve što vidim i sve što znam“. To će biti jedinstvena prilika da čujete sve pesme sa ovog antologijskog albuma izdatog za muzičku kuću „Metropolis Music“!
„Sviraćemo sve pesme sa ovog albuma“ kaže Marinko… “ Retko kad smo na koncertima svirali taj album ali ćemo za ovu prilku odsvirati sve od prve do poslednje pesme. Fest je definitivno jedan od najboljih klubova regiona. Klub koji ima dobar zvuk, dobru publiku, dobru atmosferu.“
Pretprodaja karata po ceni od od 600 dinara na šanku kluba Fest I FELIX Shop, TC Sremska, cena karte na veče svirke biće 800 dinara
Info /rezervacije stolova na 063 700 81 50Bjesovi will promote the remastered edition of the album „Everything I See and Everything I Know“ in the Fest club in Zemun on January 13, 2018. It will be a unique opportunity to hear all the songs from this anthological album released for the music house „Metropolis Music“!
„We’ll love all the songs from this album,“ says Marinko … „It’s rare when we played the album at the concert, but we will play everything from the first to the last song for this occasion. Fest is definitely one of the best clubs in the region. A club that has good sound, a good audience, a good atmosphere. “
Pre-sale of tickets at a price of 600 dinars at the bar of Fest I FELIX Shop, TC Sremska, the price of tickets for evening gigs will be 800 dinars
Info / reservations of tables at 063 700 81 50