Elvis Jr. Kurtovich – LIVE 10.01.2018. Zappa Bar

Elvis Jr. Kurtovich – LIVE 10.01.2018. Zappa Bar
Kralja Petra 41, Beograd

U sredu 10. januara imacete priliku da čujete unplugged verziju grupe Elvis Jr.Kurtovich koja je naslednik grupe Elvis Jr.Kurtovich iz Sarajeva a Goran Petranović Riza je originalni pevač, kompozitor i tekstopisac glavnih pesama obe grupe. Nju Primitivs sarajevski dernek se zove dinamični nastup Elvis Jr.Kurtovich gde uz pesme Zabranjenog Pušenja i Elvisa J.Kurtovich imamo priliku da gledamo autentične predstavnike sarajevske rock škole.

Rezervacije na tel. 064/5656477 Zappa BarOn Wednesday, January 10, you will have the opportunity to hear an unplugged version of the group Elvis Jr.Kurtovic, who is the successor of the group Elvis Jr.Kurtovic from Sarajevo, and Goran Petranovic Riza is the original singer, composer and songwriter of the main songs of both groups. The New Primitive’s Sarajevo Dernek is called dynamic performance by Elvis Jr.Kurtovich, where with the songs of Zabranjeno Pušenje and Elvis J.Kurtovich we have the opportunity to watch the authentic representatives of the Sarajevo Rock School.

Reservations to tel. 064/5656477 Zappa Bar


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