Dragi prijatelji,
Sa radošću vas pozivamo na druženje na temu svesne i u svakom pogledu uravnotežene ishrane.
Šta nas očekuje tokom radionice:
° Pokazaćemo i potom slasno ćemo degustirati – Biljno mleko, zdravu voćnu tortu bez dodatnih rafinisanih šećera i presni biljni sir.
° Pričaćemo o povezanosti emocija i hrane i o tome kako da uspostavimo balans među njima.
° Radićemo neke vežbice koje nam pomažu da razvijemo više svesnosti u pogledu našeg načina konzumiranja hrane.
° Delićemo iskustava i pričaćemo o tome kako da uspostavimo kontinuitet u zdravoj ishrani, kako da se zdravo hranimo a da pritom uživamo u svakom trenutku tog procesa.
Cena radionice je na bazi donacije, ko koliko želi/može/oseća
Ukoliko ste zainteresovani ili imate pitanja, možete nas kontaktirati i rezervisati svoje mesto putem sms poruke na 064-441-8307 ili privatnom porukom na našoj fejsbuk stranici UnitySpace Beograd
Vidimo se u sredu! 🙂 ♥Dear friends,
We are happy to invite you to hang out on the topic of consciousness and in every aspect of balanced nutrition.
What awaits us during the workshop:
° We will show and then we will taste tastily – Vegetable milk, healthy fruit cake without additional refined sugars and fresh fruit cheese.
We will talk about the connection of emotions and food and how to establish a balance between them.
° We will work out some exercises that help us develop more awareness about our way of consuming food.
° We share experiences and talk about how to establish continuity in healthy eating, how to eat healthy, and at the same time enjoy each moment of the process.
The price of the workshop is based on the donation, how much it wants / can / feels
If you are interested or have questions, you can contact us and reserve your post via SMS on 064-441-8307 or by private message on our Facebook page UnitySpace Belgrade
See you on Wednesday! 🙂 ♥