Labyrinth / 10.01.2018. bife Ventil

Labyrinth / 10.01.2018.  bife Ventil
Kapetan Mišina 14, Beograd

Projekcija na zidu: Labyrinth (1986)

Na godišnjicu smrti Dejvida Bouvija puštaćemo film koji su mnogi kao deca voleli, a u kom je ostvario možda svoju najupečatljiviju ulogu, ulogu kralja Goblina.

Devojčica Sara, opsednuta bajkama, poželi da joj mladjeg brata, čiji plač joj smeta, odnesu goblini. Kada joj se želja ispuni, jedini način da ga oslobodi i vrati je da ispuni zadatak kralja Goblina, da predje lavirint.

Režija: Jim Henson

Sreda od 18h u bife Ventil

Ova projekcija je ujedno i jedna od četiri projekcije Back to the 80s serijala za januar mesec, u kom puštamo filmove iz detinjstva svih klinaca iz 80ih i 90ih.
Slede i The Goonies i NeverEnding StoryWall Screening: Labyrinth (1986)

On the anniversary of the death of David Bouvier, we will play a movie that many as children love, and in which he accomplished perhaps his most remarkable role, the role of King Goblin.

Sara’s girlfriend, obsessed with fairy tales, wished her young brother, whose cries she was bothered, to take away the goblins. When her wish is fulfilled, the only way to free him and return is to fulfill the task of King Goblin, to pass the maze.

Directed by: Jim Henson

Wednesday of 18h at Bife Ventil

This projection is also one of the four screenings of the Back to the 80s series for January, where we play films from the childhood of all the kids from the 80’s and 90’s.
Next are The Goonies and NeverEnding Story


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