Dobrodošli na prvi veliki nju~vejvični parti u klubu Štrafta
~~~~~~ TALASI Vol1 ~~~~~~
~~~ četvrtak 11.01. ~21h ~~~
~~ New Wave / Novi Talas ~~
NAPOMENA: DOĐI RANIJE, žurke i svirke u Štrafti radnim danima počinju već od 21h. ULAZ JE BESPLATAN!
U prvom izdanju Talasa muziku biraju čak 3 DJ-a:
►DJ Matinee + ► Sana Garić + ► Quince
Očekujte sve one vrhunske talasave hitove bendova poput: Blondie, Buzzcocks, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, Eurythmics, The Human League, Billy Idol, INXS, The Jam, New Order, Pet Shop Boys, The Smiths, The Stranglers, Spandau Ballet, Talking Heads, Anubian Lights …. Pa onda: Haustor, EKV, Šarlo Akrobata, Idoli, Električni Orgazam, Pekinska Patka, VIA Talas, Videosex,
……. i još trista drugih …….
Nešto više o DJevima
► DJ MATINEE je više nego dobro znan svim ljubiteljima nju vejva. Dugačak je spisak njegovih nastupa: KST, Zappa Bar, Zappa Barka, Disko Kućica, Nula Pet, Elektropionir, Splav Viktorija, Perka, Trafo, Formula Bar,…..itd. Vratio je new wave u KST posle 30 godina i njegove žurke prati mirisna dim mašina. Opisuju ga kao jedinog zvaničnog DJ-a u Bg-u koji egzaktno i nepatvoreno propagira ovaj široki pravac. Ima i 3 benda: House Of Dolls-Tribute to Joy Division, Miraz-Mizar tribute band i autorski band RIF, s kojima svira i nastupa po festivalima i klubovima.
►Sana Garić svojim muzičkim izborom predstavlja nove i neke malo starije hitove (Electro, electronic, post rock). Sana je Beogradskoj klubskoj publici poznata najviše po svojoj muzici – svira u grupi Beograd, Xanax i Svemirci, ali isto tako i po muzičkom odabiru i puštanju muzike u klubovima.
Svirala je i na regionalnim festivalima kao što su Exit 2015, Avant Music Festival (Moscow) 2010, Kvir_feminist_actziya (Vienna) 2013. U beogradskom klubu Drugstore nastupala je zajedno sa Japanskim bendom Bo Ningen 2012-te.
► Quince, rezident Chiltona, aka A Dan Je Tako Lijepo Počeo, poznata je publici po antologijskom izboru najboljih novotalasnih bendova i zaboravljenih hitova od 80ih do danas, izdvaja iz svoje bogate zbirke bendova osvežavajuće pesme ritmičnih asova post-punka, synth-punka, psychodelic-popa, surf-rocka & krautrock-a.Welcome to the first great new waves party in the Strass Club
~~~~~~ WAWESVol1 ~~~~~~
~~~ Thursday 11.01. ~ 21h ~~~
~ New Wave / New Wave
NOTE: YEARS OF RANIES, parties and gigs in Štrafta workdays start from 21h. ENTRY IS FREE!
In the first issue of Talas, music is chosen by 3 DJs:
►DJ Matinee + ► Sana Garic + ► Quince
Expect all of the top waved hits of bands like Blondie, Buzzcocks, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, Eurythmics, The Human League, Billy Idol, INXS, The Jam, New Order, Pet Shop Boys, The Smiths, The Stranglers, Spandau Ballet, Talking Heads, Anubian Lights …. Well then: Haustor, EKV, Charlotte Akrobata, Idoli, Electric Orgasm, Peking Duck, VIA Talas, Videosex,
……. and three hundred others …….
Something more about DJs
► DJ MATINEE is more than familiar to all lovers of her. He is a long list of his performances: KST, Zappa Bar, Zappa Barka, Disko House, Zero Pet, Elektropionir, Viktorija, Splava, Trafo, Formula Bar, ….. etc. He returned a new wave in KST after 30 years and his party was followed by smell of smoke machines. He is described as the only official DJ in BG, which is exactly and spontaneously propagating this wide direction. There are also 3 bands: House Of Dolls-Tribute to Joy Division, Miraz-Mizar tribute band and author’s band RIF, with whom she plays and performs at festivals and clubs.
►Sana Garic with her music selection presents new and some slightly older hits (Electro, electronic, post rock). Sana is known to the Belgrade club audience most of her music – she plays in the Belgrade group, Xanax and Universes, but also by music selection and music playing in the clubs.
She also played at regional festivals such as Exit 2015, Avant Music Festival (Moscow) 2010, Kvir_feminist_actziya (Vienna) 2013. In the Belgrade drug klub Drugstore, she performed together with the Japanese band Bo Ningen 2012.
► Quince, a resident of Chilton, aka A Day That So Nice Started, is known to the audience by the anthological selection of the best newcomers bands and forgotten hits from the 80’s to the present, separates from her rich collection of bands of refreshing songs of rhythmic aces post-punk, synth-punk, psychodelic -popa, surf-rock & krautrock.