SUBOTA 27.6.2018. | QUEEN TRIBUTE + DJ PROGRAM @Vintage Industrial Bar | Koncert 23:30 I Početak: 20:00 I Karte: 20 kn
Posljednju subotu siječnja 2018. zatvorit ćemo impresivnim Queen Tribute bendom. Ako ste mislili da ste već sve vidjeli, ovaj bend daje još malo više u davanju počasti jednom od najvećih bendova svih vremena.
!Long Live The Queen! Break Free Show!
Queen je britanski rock sastav nastao 1970. godine raspadom grupe „Smile“ kojeg su činili Brian May i Roger Taylor. U kratkom periodu na mikrofon dolazi Freddie Mercury i za njim basist John Deacon.
Queen je snimio petnaest studijskih albuma, pet koncertnih albuma, te brojne kompilacijske albume. Prodali su preko 300 milijuna primjeraka u cijelom svijetu, uključujući više od 35.5 milijuna samo u SAD-u.
Pjesme „We Will Rock You“ i „We Are the Champions“ iz 1977. postale su stadionske himne i još uvijek se izvode na gotovo svim sportskim događajima širom svijeta.
Queen se smatraju jednim od najvećih, najuspješnijih i najutjecajnih britanskih i svjetskih rock sastava.
Njihov posljednji studijski album „Innuendo“, izdan 1991.godine, dosegnuo je broj 30 u SAD-u, ali je zato u Europi postigao veliki uspjeh, te u Velikoj Britaniji zasjeo na broj 1. Iste te godine započinju glasine o lošem zdravlju Freddie Mercuryja, da bi 23.11.1991. objavio javnosti da boluje od AIDS-a, te sljedećeg dana, 24.11. preminuo.
1973. Queen
1974. Queen II
1974. Sheer Heart Attack
1975. A Night at the Opera
1976. A Day at the Races
1977. News of the World
1978. Jazz
1980. The Game
1980. Flash Gordon
1982. Hot Space
1984. The Works
1986. A Kind of Magic
1989. The Miracle
1991. Innuendo
1995. Made in Heaven
2008. The Cosmos Rocks
Više informacija o programu Vintage Industriala:
On the last Saturday of January 2018, we will close with the impressive Queen Tribute band. If you thought you’ve seen it all, this band gives it a bit more to give one of the greatest bands of all time.
! Long Live The Queen! Break Free Show!
Queen is a British rock band formed in the 1970s by the break-up of „Smile“ by Brian May and Roger Taylor. In a short period, Freddie Mercury and bassist John Deacon come to the microphone.
Queen recorded fifteen studio albums, five concerts, and numerous compilation albums. They sold over 300 million copies worldwide, including over 35.5 million in the US alone.
„We Will Rock You“ and „We Are the Champions“ from 1977 have become stage singers and are still being performed on almost all sports events around the world.
Queen is considered to be one of the greatest, most successful and influential British and world rock compositions.
Their latest studio album, „Innuendo“, released in 1991, reached number 30 in the US, but in Europe it has achieved great success, and in the UK it has hit number 1. That same year, rumors of bad health begin with Freddie Mercury , to 23.11.1991. Announced the public to have AIDS, and the next day, 24.11. died.
1973. Queen
1974 Queen II
1974 Sheer Heart Attack
1975. Night at the Opera
1976. A Day at the Races
1977. News of the World
1978. Jazz
1980. The Game
1980. Flash Gordon
1982. Hot Space
1984. The Works
1986. A Kind of Magic
1989. The Miracle
1991. Innuendo
1995 Made in Heaven
2008. The Cosmos Rocks
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