Mimika Orkestar I 01.02.2018 Vintage Industrial

Mimika Orkestar I 01.02.2018 Vintage Industrial
Savska cesta 160, Zagreb

ČETVRTAK 1.2.2018. Mimika Orkestar + DJ program @Vintage Industrial Bar I Vrata 20:00 h I Koncert 21:30 h I Karte: info uskoro

U četvrtak, 1. veljače u Vintage Industrial stiže Mimika – alter jazz orkestar koji će vas oduševiti skladbama Maka Murtića i to autentičnim ispreplitanjem tradicionalnog i suvremenog jazza, progresivnog rocka, folklora, suvremene klasike i live elektronike.

Mimika Orkestar je alternativni progresivni orkestar s jazz, etno i elektro utjecajima kojeg vodi saksofonist i skladatelj Mak Murtić.

Sastavljen od vokala, limenih i drvenih puhača, velike ritam sekcije i live elektronike, ovaj 20-eročlani orkestar izvodi Murtićevu trans-idiomatsku glazbu, koja slušatelje odvodi na pustolovinu, u kojoj se jazz stapa s drugim glazbenim vrstama i umjetničkim formama, pripovijedajući antropološke, kulturološke i mitološke priče prošlosti i budućnosti.

FB: https://www.facebook.com/mimikaorchestra/

„From Scratch to Structure“ (World Local Records, London, UK, 2012.)
„A Place Glowing a Brilliant Red“ (World Local Records, London, UK, 2015.)
Mak Murtić & Jazz Orkestar Hrvatske Radio Televizije feat. Maja Rivić & Anabela Barić – „Antarctica and Other Destinations“ (World Local Records, London, UK, 2015.)
„Divinities of the Earth and the Waters“ (uskoro)

Više informacija o programu Vintage Industriala:
www.instagram.com/vintageindzagrebTHURSDAY 1 FEBRUARY 2018. Mimika Orkestar + DJ program @Vintage Industrial Bar And Doors 20:00 h And Concert 21:30 h I Maps: info soon

On Thursday, February 1st in Vintage Industrial, the Mimika – alter jazz orchestra is coming, which will delight you with the pieces of Maka Murtić with authentic intertwining of traditional and contemporary jazz, progressive rock, folklore, contemporary classics and live electronics.

Mimika Orchestra is an alternative progressive orchestra with jazz, ethno and electro influences conducted by saxophonist and composer Mak Murtić.

Composed of vocals, tambours and wooden fans, a great rhythm section and live electronics, this 20-member orchestra performs Murtić’s trans-idiomatic music, which draws the audience into an adventure in which jazz stap with other types of music and art forms, storing anthropological, cultural and mythological stories of the past and the future.

FB: https://www.facebook.com/mimikaorchestra/

„From Scratch to Structure“ (World Local Records, London, UK, 2012.)
„Place Glowing on Brilliant Red“ (World Local Records, London, UK, 2015)
Mak Murtić & Jazz Orchestra of Croatian Radio Television featuring Maja Rivić & Anabela Barić – „Antarctica and Other Destinations“ (World Local Records, London, UK, 2015)
„Divinities of the Earth and the Waters“ (soon)

More information about the Vintage Industrial Program:


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