Jimi Hendrix Tribute by Rock Masters I 02.02.2018 Vintage Industrial

Jimi Hendrix Tribute by Rock Masters I 02.02.2018 Vintage Industrial
Savska cesta 160, Zagreb

PETAK 2.2.2018. | Jimi Hendrix Tribute by Vedran Božić & Rock Masters + DJ PROGRAM @Vintage Industrial Bar | Koncert 23:30 I Ulaz do 22:00 besplatan I Karte: 10 kn (za studente) / 20 kn

Petak 2. veljače rezervirajte za Vintage Industrial i s nama odajte počast legendarnom Jimiju Hendrixu, njegovoj karijeri, ali i albumima koji slave 50 godina -> ‘Axis: Bold As Love’ (koji je izašao ’67./’68.) te ‘Electric Ladyland’. Oba albuma su probila zlatnu tiražu (preko milijun LP-a).

Obizrom da je prošlo 50 godina, Jimijeva glazba je samo dokaz rock klasika koji se slušaju i dan danas sa velikim zadovoljstvom, a upravo zato će ovaj koncert biti većinom i posvećen pjesmama s ta dva albuma.

Najlogičniji odabir za ovaj koncert su definitivno Rock Masters i Vedran Božić, obzirom da je on jedan od malobrojnih sretnika koji su imali priliku svirati klupski session sa Hendrixom. Taj nastup dogodio se 1969 u Frankfurtu a slike tog susreta i dvodnevng druženja izašle su u službenoj biografiji satava Jimi Hendrix Experience.

Osim Vedrana Božića koji svira gitaru i pjeva svoj obol dali su Tomas Krkač, bas/ back vocal i Slavko Pintarić-Pišta bubnjevi.

James Marshall Hendrix „Jimi“ Hendrix (Seattle, 27. studenog 1942. – London, 18. rujna 1970.), američki glazbenik. Legenda rock glazbe i gitaristički genij. Bio je pionir, inovator i samouki ljevoruki gitarist koji je presudno utjecao na rock, blues, jazz, soul, R&B i druge glazbene stilove.

Poznat je po sviranju gitare sa zubima i iza leđa. Učio je svirati nadahnut glazbenicima kao što su B.B. King, Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson i Chuck Berry. Na poziv producenta i menadžera Chasa Chandlera (bivši basist sastava The Animals), odlazi u London, gdje započinje svoju povijesnu karijeru s basistom Noelom Reddingom i bubnjarom Mitchom Mitchellom.

Preminuo je 18. rujna 1970. godine u Londonu.

Electric Ladyland treći je i posljednji studijski album britansko-američkog rock sastava The Jimi Hendrix Experience, kojeg 1968. godine objavljuje diskografska kuća Reprise Records.

Producent i autor na većini materijala bio je Jimi Hendrix, koji je ovim albumom pokazao svoj vrhunac gitarskog umijeća. Album osim što je posljednji studijski snimak Experienca, također je i posljednji studijski album Hendrixa. Originalni omot album bio je kontraverzan jer je na prednjoj strani imao sliku nekoliko golih žena te je kasnije zamijenjen sa likom Jimia Hendrixa. Nakon toga posljednje dvije godine Hendrix provodi tražeći nove članove za sastav i snimajući nove pjesme.

U 2003. godini, album je zauzeo 54. mjesto na popisu „500 najboljih albuma svih vremena“ časopisa „Rolling Stone“.

The Jimi Hendrix Experience:
Are You Experienced (1967.)
Axis: Bold as Love (1967.)
Electric Ladyland (1968.)

Jimi Hendrix/Band of Gypsys:
Band of Gypsys (1970.) (uživo)

Posthumni albumi:
The Cry of Love (1971.)
Rainbow Bridge (1971.)
War Heroes (1972.)
Loose Ends (1974.)
Crash Landing (1975.)
Midnight Lightning (1975.)
Nine to the Universe (1980.)
Radio One (1988.)
First Rays of the New Rising Sun (1997.)
South Saturn Delta (1997.)
Valleys of Neptune (2010.)

Više informacija o programu Vintage Industriala:
www.instagram.com/vintageindzagrebFRIDAY 2.2.2018. | Jimi Hendrix Tribute by Vedran Božić & Rock Masters + DJ PROGRAM @Vintage Industrial Bar Concert 23:30 I Entrance until 22:00 free of charge Maps: 10 kn (for students) / 20 kn

Book Friday, February 2 for Vintage Industrial and pay tribute to the legendary Jimiju Hendrix, his career as well as albums that celebrate 50 years -> ‘Axis: Bold As Love’ (’67 ./’68.) And ‘Electric Ladyland ‘. Both albums broke gold (over one million LPs).

Obviously, 50 years ago, Jimi’s music is just a proof of the rock classics that are listened to and is very pleased today, and this is why this concert will be mostly dedicated to the songs from these two albums.

The most difficult choices for this concert are definitely Rock Masters and Vedran Christmas, as he is one of the few lucky ones who have had the chance to play a club session with Hendrix. This performance took place in 1969 in Frankfurt, and the images of that meeting and two-day social gatherings came out in the official biography of Jimi Hendrix Experience.

In addition to Vedrana Božić who plays guitar and sings his illness, Tomas Krkač, bas / back vocal and Slavko Pintarić-Pišta drums were released.

James Marshall Hendrix „Jimi“ Hendrix (Seattle, November 27, 1942 – London, September 18, 1970), an American musician. The legend of rock music and guitar genius. He was a pioneer, innovator and self-guided rock guitarist who had a decisive influence on rock, blues, jazz, soul, R & B and other musical styles.

He is known for playing guitar with his teeth and behind his back. He has learned to play inspired musicians like B.B. King, Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson, and Chuck Berry. At the invitation of producer and manager Chasa Chandler (formerly the bass player of The Animals), he goes to London where he begins his historic career with bassist Noel Redding and drummer Mitch Mitchell.

He died on September 18, 1970 in London.

Electric Ladyland is also the third studio album of the British-American rock band The Jimi Hendrix Experience, released in 1968 by the record company Reprise Records.

The producer and author of most of the material was Jimi Hendrix, who with this album showed his culmination in guitar skills. The album, besides being the last recording studio of Experience, is also the last studio album of Hendrix. The original album was controversial because he had a picture of several naked women on the front and was later replaced with Jima Hendrix. Since then, Hendrix has been pursuing new members for composing and recording new songs for the past two years.

In 2003, the album took the 54rd place on the list of „500 Best Albums of All Time“ by the Rolling Stone magazine.

The Jimi Hendrix Experience:
Are You Experienced (1967)
Axis: Bold as Love (1967)
Electric Ladyland (1968)

Jimi Hendrix / Band of Gypsys:
Band of Gypsys (1970) (live)

Posthumous albums:
The Cry of Love (1971)
Rainbow Bridge (1971)
War Heroes (1972)
Loose Ends (1974)
Crash Landing (1975)
Midnight Lightning (1975)
Nine to the Universe (1980)
Radio One (1988)
First Rays of the New Rising Sun (1997)
South Saturn Delta (1997)
Valleys of Neptune (2010)

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