Nakon sjajne žurke, nastavljamo istim tempom! Ko nije bio, ne zna šta je propustio!
Barrio Latino je opušteno, kul mesto u gradu i jedino mesto kome je primarni cilj da okuplja plesače i one koji jednostavno uz đusku uživaju u dobroj muzici“. Tako ga neki opisuju, a mi prosto znamo da će ga svi plesači obožavati .
Dobračina 30a, II sprat
Info i rezervacije: 0628955681
Ne propustite žurku za pamćenje! 🎉🎊💃
PS. Slobodno ostavite muzičke želje na zidu eventa!
Ulaz: 150 din.After a great party, we continue at the same pace! Who was not, did not know what he missed!
Barrio Latino is a relaxed, cool place in the city and the only place where the primary goal is to gather dancers and those who simply enjoy the good music with the lizard. So some people describe it, and we just know that all the dancers will worship him.
How to reach us:
Dobračina 30a, II floor
Info and reservations: 0628955681
Do not miss a memorable hunch! 🎉🎊💃
P.S. Feel free to leave your music wishes on the event wall!
Entrance: 150 din.