Vraćamo se u prošlost i ne treba nam vremeplov – samo džez, perje, resice, perle, odela i šeširi!
Beogradski Diksilend Orkestar vas na jednu noć vozi na svom parobrodu kroz vreme i prostor – u Nju Orleans dvadesetih godina prošlog veka, a vi dajte sve od sebe da se svojim toaletama uklopite u atmosferu!
Cena ulaznica: 300 dinara
Pretprodaja počinje uskoro u Ulica Baru.
Kostimiranje je obavezno, ali videćete – trud oko maskiranja će vam se isplatiti sjajnim provodom. 🙂
Plesne korake ne morate učiti unapred, noge će same zaplesati!
Dobro došli!We go back to the past and do not need a time machine – just jewels, feathers, quails, beads, dresses and hats!
The Belgrade Diksilend Orchestra drives you for a night on your steamboat through time and space – in New Orleans in the twenties of the last century and you are doing your best to fit your atmosphere into the toilet!
Ticket price: 300 dinars
The pre-sale will begin soon in Street Bar.
Costuming is mandatory, but you will see – the effort to mask is going to pay you a great deal. 🙂
Dance steps do not have to be taught in advance, your feet will dance themselves!