I Am Heath Ledger / 22.01.2018. bife Ventil

I Am Heath Ledger / 22.01.2018. bife Ventil
Kapetan Mišina 14, Beograd

Projekcija na zidu: I Am Heath Ledger (dokumentarni film / 2017)

Na desetogodišnjicu smrti fenomenalnog i veoma talentovanog glumca Hita Ledžera prikazivaćemo nagradjivani dokumentarac o njegovom životu.

Hit Ledžer (1979 – 2008), australijski glumac, za veoma kratak vremenski period ostvario je nekoliko odličnih uloga, a najpoznatija je uloga Džokera za koju je posthumno nagradjen Oskarom.

Posle filma, u čast talentovanog umetnika, puštaćemo nešto od njegove omiljene muzike. Nick Drake, Ben Harper, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, kao i Modest Mouse za koje je režirao i jedan spot.

Ponedeljak od 18.30hWall projection: I Am Heath Ledger (documentary / 2017)

At the 10th anniversary of the death of the phenomenal and highly talented actor Hit Hitler, we will present a rewarded documentary about his life.

Hit Ledger (1979-2008), an Australian actor, has played several excellent roles in a very short period of time, and is best known for the role of Joker for which he was posthumously rewarded by Oscar.

After the film, in honor of a talented artist, we will play some of his favorite music. Nick Drake, Ben Harper, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, as well as Modest Mouse, for which he directed one spot.

Monday from 6.30 pm


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