U nedelju, 21.1. od 21h slušaćemo klezmer, muziku najuzbudljivijih nota obogaćenu balkanskim, slovačkim i ciganskim folklorom sa elemetima latina i džeza!
Uz preplitanje elemenata istočne, srednjoevropske i balkanske forme sa tradicionalnom jevrejskom muzikom, vodimo vas kroz Gypsy Klezmer Night uz melodije uz koje ćemo i zaplesati!
Ulaz je besplatan.
Čekamo vas u Poletu!On Sunday, 21.1. From 21h we will listen to Klesmer, the music of the most exciting notes enriched with Balkan, Slovak and Gypsy folklore with elemates of latin and jazz!
With the interweaving of elements of Eastern, Central European and Balkan forms with traditional Jewish music, we guide you through the Gypsy Klezmer Night with the melodies we will dance to!
The entrance is free.
We are waiting for you in Polet!