promocija strip albuma (System Comics, Beograd, 2017)
učesnici diskusije: Aleksa Gajić, Igor Marković i domaći teoretičari stripa
Aleksa Gajić (Beograd, 1974.) je naš proslavljeni strip autor, ilustrator, reditelj i animator. Diplomirao je na Fakultetu primenjenih umetnosti i dizajna u klasi profesora Rastka Ćirića, sa, sada već čuvenim, kolor strip albumom Technotise. Od 1996. godine stalni je saradnik Politikinog zabavnika, a od 2000. godine radi za izdavačku kuću Soleil iz Francuske, kao crtač serijala Bič Božiji (Le Fléau des Dieux) u kojem je po scenariju Valeri Manžen objavio šest kolor albuma, koji doživljavaju ogromnu popularnost u Francuskoj i Srbiji i bivaju prevođeni u SAD-u i u još šest zemalja sveta. U Srbiji je, osim ovih, objavio i album Technotise sa scenaristom Darkom Grkinićem, po čemu je kasnije uradio i režirao animirani film Tehnotajz: Edit i ja. Osim toga Gajić je autor i kratkometražnog animiranog filma Uspon i pad umetnosti. Objavio je takođe i kolekciju kratkih, formalno inovativnih, stripova: U šrafovima, Skrepbuk, Pljosnati strip. Ilustrovao je više knjiga i časopisa sarađujući sa mnogim izdavačima i dizajn studijima. Autor je manjeg broja muzičkih i ekonomsko propagandnih spotova. Značajne rezultate postigao je i baveći se grafičkim dizajnom (pamfleti, pozivnice, novinski oglasi i reklame, kalendari, plakati). Učesnik je više samostalnih i grupnih izložbi u našoj zemlji. Aleksa Gajić smatra se jednim od naših najeminentnijih umetnika uopšte i svakako najznačajnijih strip autora kod nas.
Plod ponovne saradnje sa francuskom scenaristkinjom Valeri Manžen je i novi album Drako – Trinaesta horda, kojeg je Gajićev srpski izdavač System Comics, krajem 2017. godine, objavio za domaću čitalačku publiku.
„Pod vlašću vrhovnog Krakena, Zarkelha, Trinaesta horda zmajeva-ratnika pobedonosno uništava planetu Orkis, dodatno potvrđujući nadmoć carstva. Međutim, imperator Gankred IV i njegova ćerka otkrivaju mračno proročanstvo. Šta ako se moćni Kraken, budući imperatorov zet, pobuni protiv svoga vladara?
Proročište potvrđuje da treba brzo reagovati, pre povratka ovih odvažnih boraca na svojim moćnim zmajevima. Kakav god ishod bio…
Drako, mladi i hrabri ratnik-bazilik raduje se što se vraća kući da mlađoj braći ispriča podvige, da zadivi verenicu i ukaže čast svojim roditeljima. Potrebno je da iz Zarkelhovih ruku primi jaje budućeg zmaja tokom jedne svečane ceremonije…
Oni koji žive od vatre Zmaja, od vatre će i stradati!”
(iz pogovora francuskom izdanju, prevod Ivana Budisavljević)
promotion of strip albums (System Comics, Belgrade, 2017)
Participants in the discussion: Aleksa Gajić, Igor Marković and domestic comic theorists
Aleksa Gajić (Belgrade, 1974) is our celebrated comic author, illustrator, director and animator. He graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts and Design in the class of professor Rastko Ciric, with already famous, color comic album Technotise. Since 1996 he has been a regular contributor to the Politics Entertainer, and since 2000 he has been working for the publishing house Soleil of France, as a draftsman of the series „Le Fléau des Dieux“, in which, according to the script, Valery Mansz published six colored albums that are experiencing immense popularity in France and Serbia and are being translated into the United States and six other countries in the world. Apart from these, in Serbia, he also published the album Technotise with screenwriter Dark Grkinić, and later he directed and directed the animated film Tehnotajz: Edit and Me. In addition, Gajic is the author and short animated film The Rise and Fall of Art. He has also published a collection of short, formally innovative comics: In Screws, Skrepbuk, Flesh strip. He illustrated several books and magazines in collaboration with many publishers and design studios. He is the author of a small number of music and economic propaganda videos. He achieved significant results by dealing with graphic design (pamphlets, invitations, newspaper ads and advertisements, calendars, posters). He is a participant of several independent and group exhibitions in our country. Aleksa Gajić is considered one of our most eminent artists in general and certainly the most important comic strip authors in our country.
The re-collaboration with French scriptwriter Valerija Mancen is also the new album Drako – The Thirteenth Horde, which Gajic’s Serbian publisher System Comics published in late 2017 for the domestic readership audience.
„Under the authority of the supreme Kraken, Zarkelha, the Thirteen horde of dragon-warriors conquerively destroys the Orkis planet, further confirming the supremacy of the empire. However, emperor Gankred IV and his daughter reveal a gloomy prophecy. What if the mighty Kraken, being the imperial son-in-law, rebels against his ruler?
The prophecy confirms that it is necessary to react quickly, before returning these brave fighters to their mighty dragons. Whatever the outcome was …
A dear, young and brave warrior-bazilik is looking forward to returning home to tell the younger brothers about the exploits, to delight the fiancé and to honor his parents. It is necessary to receive from the Zarkelh hands the future dragon’s egg during a solemn ceremony …
Those who live from the Fire of the Dragon, will be killed by fire! “
(from the interview with the French edition, translated by Ivana Budisavljević)