Know Thyself – The Original Desire Of First Being je peta u nizu žurki ovog koncepta. Ako je suditi po posećenosti i pozitivnoj energiji koja je vladala dancefloor-om kao i svaki put nas očekuje nezaboravan provod. Ekipa bazirana na techouse zvuku, tri gradska madjionicara (Stefano Pannonian,Mrvica Jr i 2much) sa zadatkom da zacaraju i razdrmaju ceo klub i njegove posetioce!
Stefano Pannonian je rastao uz muziku JeanMichel Jarre-a, a sve zahvaljujući njegovim roditeljima. Clubbing kulturu upoznaje veoma mlad, a u DJ vode ulazi 2016. Ubrzo postaje rezident kluba The End, kao i The End Terrace-a (letnje varijante kluba). Ljubitelj je extended setova, tech house zvuka, a dok radi muzika izlazi iz sva 4 kanala na mikseru što publiku oduševljava.
2much a.k.a. Марко Перић je još jedna mlada nada domaće scene. Početkom ove godine beleži svoj prvi DJ nastup i to kao techno DJ. Ubrzo se okreće ka groovy tech house-u i planira da u tom žanru ostane i nastavi da ga istražuje. Nastupao je po Novom Sadu i okolini, a preko leta u The End Terrace-u na Ribarcu i The End klubu.
DJ Mrvica Jr. u muzičke vode ulazi kroz eksperimentisanje sa instrumentima. Kao i Stefano Pannonian DJ karijeru započinje 2016. dok široj masi postaje poznatiji učestvovanjem na „Topljenje“ DJ konkursu ove godine gde osvaja drugo mesto. Gostovao je na „Belgrade Afterhours“ žurci koju organizuju naši poznati afteraši Mancha & MarkPanic.
Ulaz će se naplaćivati 300 dinara.
Spisak gostiju važi do 01h!
Osobama mlađim od 18 godina ulaz u klub nije dozvoljen!Know Thyself – The Original Desire Of First Being is the fifth in a series of parties of this concept. If she is judged by the attendance and positive energy that dancefloor has, and every time we expect an unforgettable time. Team based on the techouse sound, three city madjionicars (Stefano Pannonian, Mrvica Jr and 2much) with the task of creating and breaking the entire club and its visitors!
Stefano Pannonian grew up with the music of JeanMichel Jarre, all thanks to his parents. Clubbing culture is very young and gets into DJ water in 2016. Soon he becomes a resident of The End Club, as well as The End Terrace (summer variants of the club). He is a fan of extended sets, a tech house sound, and while music is coming out of all 4 channels on a mixer that delights the audience.
2much a.k.a. Marko Peric is another young hope of the domestic scene. At the beginning of this year, he recorded his first DJ performance as a techno DJ. Soon he turns to groovy tech house and plans to stay in that genre and continue to explore it. He performed in Novi Sad and its surroundings, and over the summer at The End Terrace in Ribarac and The End Club.
DJ Mrvica Jr. into music water enters instrument experimentation. Like Stefano Pannonian, the DJ career will start in 2016, while the broad masses will become famous by participating in the „Soldering“ DJ contest this year where it wins the second place. He was hosting „Belgrade Afterhours“ parties organized by our well-known businessmen Mancha & MarkPanic.
The entrance will be charged 300 dinars.
The list of guests is valid until 01h!
Persons under the age of 18 years are not allowed to enter the club!