Porodični vikend u bioskopu 03 – 04.02.2018. Vilin Grad

Porodični vikend u bioskopu 03 – 04.02.2018. Vilin Grad
Obrenovićeva 19, Niš
03.Feb.2018 - 04.Feb.2018

Porodični filmovi i Mali Politikin Zabavnik na poklon, a za celu porodicu popust uz Porodičnu karticu!

Porodični vikend biće održan 3. i 4. februara, od 10 do 16 časova, u bioskopu Vilin Grad. Na repertoaru su novi porodični filmovi: Mali veseljak: Brod spasilac, Ferdinand, Koko i Mali Vampir.

Mali remorker, brodić uz koji su mnoge generacije odrasle, se vraća na veliko platno! Mali veseljak: brod spasilac je animirani film koji će osvojiti srca mališana, a mame i tate prisetiti na njihova detinjstva!

Posle hrabre misije spasavanja u olujnim vremenskim prilikama, mladi spasilački čamac, Ilajas, pozvan je da pređe da radi u Veliku luku. Uzbuđeno prihvata i napušta stari život i prijatelje, ali ubrzo shvata da veće nije uvek bolje. Kada otkrije da lokalna kriminalna banda iskopava dragoceni metal koji ima moć da utiče na vremenske neprilike, Ilajas će shvatiti da će morati da zatraži pomoć starih prijatelja kako bi raskirinkao planove bande. Film je sihnronizovan.

U subotu i nedelju, od 11 do 14 sati, najmlađi posetioci će moći da se zabave u kreativno edukativnoj radionici, koju organizuje Brainobrain Smartplan Niš. Brainobrain je edukativni centar za decu od 4 do 14 godina i radi na razvoju intelektualnih kapaciteta i životnih veština dece, korišćenjem abakusa i primenom Nlp tehnika u radu sa decom. U okviru Porodičnog vikenda, deca će biti u prilici da probaju rad na abakusu, a roditelji mogu dobiti sve informacije o programu i zakazati besplatan demo čas u ovoj školici.

Mališani koji imaju Porodičnu karticu, uz kupljenu ulaznicu, na poklon će dobiti Mali Politikin Zabavnik i kokice, a njihovi roditelji/pratioci plaćaju dečiju cenu ulaznica.

Svi oni koji nemaju Porodičnu karticu, mogu je preuzeti na blagajni bioskopa Vilin Grad. Ova kartica je potpuno besplatna, a članstvo sa sobom ne povlači nikakve obaveze.

Porodična kartica je namenjena deci do 13 godina, koja će, uz ovu karticu, ostvariti specijalne popuste prilikom kupovine bioskopske karte, a uz svaku posetu bioskopu na poklon će dobiti kokice. Roditelj/pratilac, takođe, ostvaruje popust pri kupovini ulaznice za sve dečije filmove. Popust za roditelja/pratioca važi i svakog radnog dana do 17 časova, kao i za Porodični vikend, koji se održava svakog prvog vikenda u mesecu.

Repertoar, trejlere i termine filmova možete pogledati na sajtu bioskopa Vilin Grad, gde možete i rezervisati ulaznice.Family Movies and Little Politikin A gift present, and for the whole family a discount on the Family Card!

The family weekend will be held on February 3 and 4, from 10 am to 4 pm, at the Vilin City cinema. On the repertoire are new family films: The Little Mermaid: The Ship Savior, Ferdinand, Coco and the Little Vampire.

A little sitter, a boat with many generations of adults, returns to the big canvas! Little Mermaid: The Rescuer’s Ship is an animated film that will capture the hearts of the little ones, and mom and dad recall their childhood!

After a brave rescue mission in stormy weather conditions, a young rescue boat, Ilyaas, was called to work in the Great Harbor. He excitedly accepts and leaves old life and friends, but soon realizes that the council is not always better. When he finds out that a local criminal gang is digging valuable metal that has the power to affect weather problems, Ilajas will realize that he will have to seek the help of old friends in order to break up the gang plans. The movie is synchronized.

On Saturday and Sunday, from 11 am to 2 pm, the youngest visitors will be able to have fun in a creative educational workshop, organized by Brainobrain Smartplan Nis. Brainobrain is an educational center for children from 4 to 14 years old and works on developing intellectual capacities and life skills of children, using abacus and using Nlp techniques in working with children. Within the Family Weekend, children will be able to try work on the abacus, and parents can get all the information about the program and schedule a free demo time in this school.

Males who have a Family Card, along with the purchased ticket, will receive a Little Politikin Entertainer and popcorn as gifts, and their parents / companions pay the children’s ticket price.

All those who do not have a Family card can be downloaded at the box office of the Vilin City cinema. This card is completely free, and membership does not entail any obligations.

The family card is intended for children up to 13 years old, who, with this card, will receive special discounts when purchasing a movie card, and with every visit to the cinema, the popcorn will receive popcorn. The parent / companion also receives discounts when purchasing a ticket for all children’s films. Discount for parent / escort is also valid every working day until 5 pm, as well as for Family Weekend, which is held every first weekend of the month.

Repertoire, trailers and movie dates can be viewed on the Vilin City Cinema website, where you can also book tickets.


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