Croquis Bistro 03.02.2018.Kc Lab

Croquis Bistro 03.02.2018.Kc Lab
Dr.Hempta 2, Novi Sad
Novi SadSrbija

Come to the Kulturni Centar LAB​ for the 4rd Croquis Bistro – figure drawing session.
Time: 2pm-5pm.
We start on time so please come at 1:30-1:45pm.
Price: 300RSD. Please bring the exact amount 🙂
We will do 2, 5, 10 and 15min sketches.
Bring your own materials and boards (if you need it) as we only have chairs.
For the model’s sense of security, do not take photos please.
If you want to smoke, please do it in the bar area during breaks 😉
See you there! :)Come to the Kulturni Centar LAB​ for the 4rd Croquis Bistro – figure drawing session.
Time: 2pm-5pm.
We start on time so please come at 1:30-1:45pm.
Price: 300RSD. Please bring the exact amount 🙂
We will do 2, 5, 10 and 15min sketches.
Bring your own materials and boards (if you need it) as we only have chairs.
For the model’s sense of security, do not take photos please.
If you want to smoke, please do it in the bar area during breaks 😉
See you there! 🙂


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