Psychedelic Chilldown 04.02.2018. KCLab

Psychedelic Chilldown 04.02.2018. KCLab
Dr.Hempta 2, Novi Sad
Novi SadSrbija

Prijatelji Džungle, vreme je za jedan anti-stres događaj!

U nedelju, 04. Februara, prvi put okupićemo se u prostoru Kulturni Centar LAB, gde vas čeka potpuno opuštena bleja sa Jungle Island ekipom.

Ideja je nastala iz želje da kultura ambientalne muzike, koja predstavlja velik deo psihodelicne scene, zaživi u Novom Sadu i šire. Tako smo odlučili da je posle celog vikenda partijanja i naporne radne nedelje, najbolje čilirati uz laganu muziku, dobro društvo i neke kul zanimacije i radionice za opuštanje moždanih vijuga :

– Izrada dekora
– Video Mapping
– Pletenje Dreamcatcher-a
– Bojenje Mandala

Obezbedićemo sav neophodan materijal, ali savetujemo da ponesete sve što mislite da će vam biti potrebno da biste se najbolje izrazili.

Najkreativnije radioničare nagradićemo kartama za naš sledeći veći event koji spremamo za 17. Mart.


Od muzike možete očekivati Psychill, Ambient, Downtempo, Psydub, a ako prilika bude dozvoljavala možda se pred kraj i razmrdamo uz Chillgressive i Slow Trance.
Za dobre vibracije pobrinuće se ekipa koju ste imali priliku da slušate nedavno na našem novogodišnjem specijalu Psychedelic Countdown / Rezonant Live / K9 Station .


19:00 – 21:00 Dj Lector

21:00 – 23:00 Zarma // LOŠMI

23:00 – 01:00 SHKOMADJI // LAZANYA

*Događaj počinje u 19h i završava se STRIKTNO u 1h iza ponoći, jer zakon – potrudite se što ranije da dođete kako biste što duže bili Zen.

Ceo događaj stream-ujemo tako da i najlenji od kuće mogu da osete moć 432HZ !|

Vidimo se u Džungli !! 🙂

**UPAD je FREE!Friends of the Jungle, it’s time for an anti-stress event!

On Sunday, February 4th, for the first time we will gather in the Cultural Center LAB, where you are totally relaxed with the Jungle Island team.

The idea originated from the wish that the culture of ambient music, which represents a large part of the psychedelic scene, will come to life in Novi Sad and beyond. So we decided that after a weekend of party and hard working week, the best chill with light music, good company and some cool interests and workshops for relaxing brain wings:

– Making decor
– Video Mapping
– Knitting Dreamcatcher
– Coloring Mandala

We will provide all the necessary material, but we advise you to take whatever you think you will need to best express yourself.

The most creative workshops will be rewarded with tickets for our next major event that is being prepared for March 17th.

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You can expect from Psychill, Ambient, Downtempo, Psydub from music, and if the opportunity is allowed, maybe we can end up with the Chillgressive and Slow Trance.
For good vibration, the team you have had the opportunity to listen to recently on our New Year Special Psychedelic Countdown / Rezonant Live / K9 Station will take care of.


19:00 – 21:00 Dj Lector

21:00 – 23:00 Zarma // LOŠMI

23:00 – 01:00 SHKOMADJI // LAZANYA

* The event starts at 19h and ends STRIKTNO in 1h after midnight, because the law – try to get as soon as possible so that you will be Zen for as long as possible.

We stream this whole event so that even the worst of the house can feel the power of 432HZ! |

See you in Jungle !! 🙂

** UPAD is FREE!


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