Igralom 10.02.2018.CK13

Igralom 10.02.2018.CK13
Vojvode Bojovića 13, Novi Sad
Novi SadSrbija

Igralom je muzička grupa iz Niša, formirana juna 2015. godine od strane Mladena Marjanovića (gitara, prateći vokali), Dimitrija Simovića (vokal, bas gitara) i Marka Tomovića (bubanj i perkusije). Zvuk i gruv grupe su od samog početka primarno usmereni ka muzici Zapadne Afrike, tačnije pustinjskom bluzu iz Sahare. Prisutan je i ogroman uticaj rokenrola i alternative, pogotovu novog talasa.

Nakon samo tri meseca postojanja grupe, snimljen je debi album „Pogrešna poznanstva“, u Vrbasu, u studiju Šamarčina. Album je izašao u maju 2016. godine za Rock Svirke Records.

Ovaj energični trio je do sada odsvirao preko 60 nastupa; duž Srbije (Niš, Beograd, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Kruševac, Užice, Pirot, Leskovac, Aleksinac) i izvan zemlje (Sofia, Skopje, Zagreb, Rijeka, Sućuraj, Drvenik, Ljubljana, Murska Sobota, Galati, Milano), gde su delili binu s mnogim zanimljivim i velikim izvođačima i bendovima (Disciplin A Kitschme, Hugo Race & The Fatalists, King Ayisoba, Matushka, Repetitor, Artan Lili, Nikola Vranjković).

Tokom prošle godine, i početkom ove, bend posvećeno radi na drugom albumu uz pomoć umetnika i producenta Krisa Ekmana (Chris Eckman, Glitterbeat records/Dirtmusic/The Walkabouts).

Karte za ovaj koncert će koštati 250 dinara. Kupovinom ulaznica za svirke u CK13 podržavate izvođače i nezavisnu muzičku scenu.It was played by a music group Igralom from Nis, formed in June 2015 by Mladen Marjanovic (guitar, accompanying vocals), Dimitrij Simovic (vocals, bass guitar) and Marko Tomovic (drum and percussion). From the very beginning, the sounds and clusters of the band are primarily focused on West African music, specifically the Sahara Desert Blossom. There is also a tremendous impact of rock ‘n’ rollers and alternatives, especially a new wave.

After only three months of the band’s existence, the debut album „Misconceptions“ was recorded in Vrbas, in the studio Šamarčina. The album was released in May 2016 for Rock Svirke Records.

This energetic trio has so far played over 60 performances; along with Serbia (Nis, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Krusevac, Uzice, Pirot, Leskovac, Aleksinac) and outside the country (Sofia, Skopje, Zagreb, Rijeka, Sucuraj, Drvenik, Ljubljana, Murska Sobota, Galati, Milan) shared a stage with many interesting and great performers and bands (Disciplin A Kitschme, Hugo Race & The Fatalists, King Ayisoba, Matushka, Repetitor, Artan Lili, Nikola Vranjkovic).

During the past year, and at the beginning of this year, the band is dedicated to the second album with the help of artist and producer Chris Eckman, Glitterbeat records / Dirtmusic / The Walkabouts.

The tickets for this concert will cost 250 dinars. By purchasing gambling tickets in CK13 you support the performers and the independent music scene.


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