Šveđanin iz Geteborga, Luke Eargoggle je legenda za koga nekoliko rečenica ne mogu dočarati veličinu njegovog umetničkog stvaralaštva. Mastermind mašinske muzike čije je ime sinonim za electrofunk ima ogromnog uticaja na electro scenu sa preko 50 izdanja iz njegove kuhinje. Kao jedan od najcenjenijih electro producenata, njegova izdanja još uvek aktivno plasiraju E.R.P., Morphology, Das Muster, Mono Junk, DMX Krew, Egyptian Lover, Legowelt i drugi. Sa druge strane, Luk je misteriozan tip, živi pored plaže u Švedskoj gde je posvećen svojoj muzici.
Prvi put u Srbiji,
LUKE EARGOGGLE (Sweden – Stilleben Records, Bunker, Brokntoys)
WEB: http://www.eargoggle.se/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/
SC: https://soundcloud.com/
Discography: https://www.discogs.com/
Kalson / E75 Records
H! / E75 Records
Pretprodaja karata u VINTAGE SHOP i Galileo Tours po ceni od 300 dinaraThe Swede from Gothenburg, Luke Eargoggle, is a legend for which several sentences can not conjure up the size of his artistic creativity. Mastermind machine music whose name is synonymous with electrofunk has a huge impact on the electro scene with over 50 editions from his kitchen. As one of the most prized electro producers, its releases are still actively placed by E.R.P., Morphology, Das Muster, Mono Junk, DMX Krew, Egyptian Lover, Legowelt and others. On the other hand, Luke is a mysterious guy, lives near a beach in Sweden where he is dedicated to his music.
For the first time in Serbia,
LUKE EARGOGGLE (Sweden – Stilleben Records, Bunker, Brokntoys)
WEB: http://www.eargoggle.se/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/
SC: https://soundcloud.com/
Discography: https://www.discogs.com/
Kalson / E75 Records
H! / E75 Records
Pre-tickets to VINTAGE SHOP and Galileo Tours at a price of 300 dinars.