RPDR Serbia: RuPaul’s Drag Race AS3e02 Viewing Party 02.02.2018.KC Grad

RPDR Serbia: RuPaul’s Drag Race AS3e02 Viewing Party 02.02.2018.KC Grad
Braće Krsmanović 4, Beograd

RPDR Serbia: RuPaul’s Drag Race AS3e02 Viewing Party

hosted by Miss Georgina Tailor

Nakon svečanog otvaranja nove sezone RPDR Serbia Viewing Parties uz prvu All Stars 3 epizodu i nastupe regionalnih dreg kraljica prošlog petka, ovog petka gledamo drugu epizodu.

Kroz dvosatni program će nas voditi mlada dreg kraljica Miss Georgina Tailor.


20.00 Okupljanje + E01 deleted scenes
20:45 Performance: Miss Georgina Tailor
21.00 RPDRAS3: Episode 02

P.S. Chairs are back! (everyone loves a comeback)

Tokom trajanja All Stars 3 sezone, svakog petka od 20h u Kulturnom Centru grad gledamo novu epizodu omiljenog dreg tv šoua svega par sati nakon premijernog emitovanja u SAD-u na kanalu VH1.

RPDR Serbia je neformalna i neprofitna organizacija.

Pridružite nam se na:
Fejsbuk grupi – https://www.facebook.com/groups/RPDRserbia/
Intagramu – https://www.instagram.com/rpdrserbia/RPDR Serbia: RuPaul’s Drag Race AS3e02 Viewing Party

hosted by Miss Georgina Tailor

After the opening of the new season of RPDR Serbia Viewing Parties with the first All Stars 3 episode and the performances of regional queens last Friday, this Friday we are looking at another episode.

Through the two-hour program we will be led by the young Queen Queen Miss Georgina Tailor.


20.00 Gathering + E01 deleted scenes
20:45 Performance: Miss Georgina Tailor
21.00 RPDRAS3: Episode 02

П.С. Chairs are back! (everyone loves a comeback)

For the duration of All Stars 3 season, every Friday from 20:00 in the Cultural Center, the city is watching a new episode of your favorite TV show show just a few hours after the premiere broadcast in the US on the VH1 channel.

RPDR Serbia is an informal and non-profit organization.

Join us at:
Facebook group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/RPDRserbia/
Intagram – https://www.instagram.com/rpdrserbia/


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