Bio je hladan februarski dan. Drug Petrović je uživao u svojoj dugoj šetnji koja je već godinama znala put njegovih koraka. Od Bulevara Revolucije, preko hladnih šina tramvaja broja 2, trga Marksa i Engelsa, do ulice Ive Lole Ribara. U 11 uveče drug Petrović bi se uvek našao na samom početku ulice I zastavši osluškivao nove hitove radija 202ke. Zasmejao bi se kad bi se na repertoaru našao poznati muzički hit njegove pesme „Prepad“. Djuskajući blago, levom nogom, ostao bi do kraja emisije gde su se redjale pesme njegovih muzičkih kolega. Voleo je da sluša hitove Aske, Boe, Nade Knežević, Senke I Bisere Veletanlić, mlađih dana Nede Ukraden, Novog Talasa, Olivera Mandića, Ariana, grupe Kim, Bebi Dol, Dina Dvornika, Zdenke Kovačiček, Videosexa, Ansambl orkestra Beograda, Via Talasa kao I mnogih drugih. Nakon odslušane emisije uputio bi se ulicom prema pozorištu „Atelje 212“, gde bi nastavio svoj „Žur“ u prostorijama prvog beogradskog disko kluba „Šećer“. Dodjite da djuskamo I podsetimo se nekih lepših muzičkih vremena, da se grlimo, ljubimo, volimo I uživamo.
Muzičke numere kao i do sada biće delo momačkog disko dvojca Glišić/Kebara.
Ulaz + garderoba = 300RSDIt was cold in February. Drug Petrović enjoyed his long walk, which for years had known the way of his steps. From the Boulevard of Revolution, through the cold rails of the tram number 2, the Marks and Engels Square, to the street Ive Lola Ribar. In the evening of 11, Petrović would always be at the very beginning of the street and he would listen to the new radio hits of 202ke. He would be amazed to find the famous music hit of his poem „Bump“ on the repertoire. Screaming with treasure, his left foot, he would remain until the end of the show where the songs of his music colleagues were being rehearsed. He liked to listen to the hits of Aska, Boe, Nade Knezevic, Senke I Bisera Veletanlic, younger days Neda Ukraden, Novi Talas, Oliver Mandic, Ariana, Kim, Bebi Dol, Dina Dvornik, Zdenka Kovacic, Videosex, Belgrade Orchestra, Via Talasa as well as many others. After the show, he would head toward the Atelje 212 theater, where he would continue his „Zur“ in the premises of the first Belgrade-based club „Sugar“. Come to scream and remember some of the more beautiful musical times, to grumble, love, love and enjoy.
Musical tracks like so far will be the work of the momic disco of the two Glišić / Kebar.
Entrance + wardrobe = 300RSD