Jos jedan rnr vremeplov, ovoga puta u klubu Atom na Dorcolu, gde ce autor stranice Rokafana ponovo muzikom podici svima ruke uvis i provrteti listu svojih omiljenih hitova 80ih, 90ih i 2000ih, od Genesisa do Killersa, od Culta do Placeba, od Queena do Cranberriesa, svi rok pravci smiksani u gromoglasno cetvorocasovno djuskanje : )
9.februar – klub Atom – ulaz besplatan – vidimo se : )
Another rnr timeline, this time at the Atom club at Dorcol, where the author of Rokafan will again rush music with all his hands up and roll the list of his favorite hits of the 80s, 90s and 2000s, from Genesis to Killers, from Cult to Placebo, from Queens to Cranberries , all the rocks straight into a thunderous four-hour sniffing:)
9.februar – Atom Club – entrance free – see you:)