Sajsi MC & DJ BKO | Promocija Albuma: RAD, RAD I SAMO BLEJA 14.02.2018.KPTM

Sajsi MC & DJ BKO | Promocija Albuma: RAD, RAD I SAMO BLEJA 14.02.2018.KPTM
Žorža Klemansoa 22, Beograd


Sajsi se vraća u svoj kako sama kaže “omiljeni beogradsi klub” KPTM, da bi u novom prostoru zatvorene bašte promovisala materijal sa nedavno izdatog albuma “Rad, rad i samo bleja”. Sam album je nastajao tokom dugog period saradnji sa dobro poznatim beogarskim DJ BKO-om, a publika je mesečno dobijala nove pesme i spotove tokom cele godine, na šta je ovaj naoštreni trojac, koji uključuje i Tijanu, u decembru izbacio tri pesme kako bi u velikom stilu stigli na finiš 2017. Stoga će 14. februara na Dan Zaljubljenih (Svetog Valentina) ili kako drugi vole da kažu, Svetog Trifuna, jedna Sajsi svetica uz pomoć nekoliko svojih prijatelja i saradnika prirediti veliki nastup sa pesmama sa novog albuma, ali i starim hitovima i saradnjama koje publika vrlo dobro zna. Ovo će svima koji dođu, biti ispit u februarskom roku koliko su pratili izlazak albuma cele prošle godine i učili muzičko gradivo. Sajsi voli da iznenađuje publiku, te je na ovom nastupu sve moguće, ali sigurno je da će publika uživati i đuskati cele noći i da će nakon ovog nastupa imati nesanicu. Čekamo se 14. 2. u KPTM-u na zajedničku bleju,a do tada samo rad i rad.Sajsi MC OFFICIALLY PROMOTE ALBUM „WORK, WORK AND BLUE ONLY“ BY LARGE ACTION

Sajsi returns to her own, according to her favorite „KPTM“ belgrade club, in order to promote the material from the recently released album „Work, Work and Just Bleeds“ in the new enclosed area. The album itself was created over a long period of cooperation with the well-known Beogar DJ BKO, and the audience received new songs and videos every month on a monthly basis, to which this sharp trio, which included Tijana, released three songs in December will arrive at the finale in 2017. Therefore, on February 14, Valentine’s Day or as others like to say, the Holy Trifun, a Sajsi saint with a few friends and associates will make a big performance with the songs from the new album, but also old hits and collaborations that the audience knows very well. This will come to everyone who is coming, to be a February exam as to how they watched the release of the album last year and learned music material. Sajsi likes to surprise the audience, and everything is possible in this performance, but it is certain that the audience will enjoy and scream all night and that after this they will have insomnia. We are waiting for the 14th in the KPTM on a joint blew, and until then only work and work.


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