Ovaj koncert ugovoren je na radost svih Nišlijki koje su odavno priželjkikivale da se koncert talentovanog Bosiljčića održi u Nišu.
Sigurni smo, Ivan će pesmom razgaliti Nišlije jer pored obrade velikih domaćih i stranih hitova, ovaj glumac čarobnog glasa na koncertima rado kazuje stihove Antića, Šantića, Jesenjina i Bodlera na šta nijedna dama u publici ne ostaje ravnodušna.
Koncert će biti održan u niškom Narodnom pozorištu, 8. marta u 18:30 i 21.30.
Rezervacije na: 063 490 460 svakog dana od 08-20h.
Cene ulaznica:
Parter 1-5. red i VIP: 1.400 dinara
Parter od 6. reda: 1.200 dinara
Balkon: 1.000 dinara
Prodaja ulaznica: Biletarnica Narodnog pozorišta, Niške vesti (Prvomajska 2 lokal 1), City Cafe (park Svetog Save)
A woman’s female audience Ivan Bosiljčić will hold a Women’s Day concert in front of the women’s dams.
This concert was arranged for the joy of all those who have long wanted to have a concert of the talented Bosiljčić in Niš.
We are sure, Ivan will sing with the song Nišli, because in addition to making great domestic and foreign hits, this actor of the magic voice at the concerts is happy to tell the lyrics of Antić, Šantić, Jesenjina and Bodler on which no lady in the audience remains indifferent.
The concert will be held in Nairobi National Theater on March 8 at 18:30 and 21:30.
Reservations at: 063 490 460 every day from 08-20h.
Ticket prices:
Parter 1-5. red and VIP: 1,400 dinars
Line 6 parcel: 1,200 dinars
Balcony: 1,000 dinars
Ticket sales: National Theater , Niš Vesti (Prvomajska 2 local 1), City Cafe (Svetog Save park)