Grupa Turisti dolaze u Niš!
Nastali su kao kućni projekat Boška Mijuškovića (Straight Mickey and the Boyz, Škrtice, Dol, Seine) i njegovog mlađeg brata Džimija. Na koncertu 16-og februara, Turisti će predstaviti celokupan materijal sa svog prvog albuma, čiji se izlazak sa nestrpljenjem očekuje, kao i nove pesme koje će se naći na drugom studijskom albumu. Proverite zašto su Turisti najčešće spominjano ime u poslednje vreme.
Džimi aka EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH u ulozi DJa će nakon koncerta biti zadužen da održi dobru atmosferu uz odabir muzike koja je uticala na sam bend kao I njegov muzički razvoj.
Ulaznice u pretprodaji Vintage Shop i Galileo Tours
Cena u pretprodaji: 250RSD
Na ulazu: 300RSDGroup Tourists come to Niš!
They came up as a house project by Boška Mijoškovića (Straight Mickey and the Boyz, Scratch, Dol, Seine) and his younger brother Džimija. At the concert on 16th of February, Tourists will present all the material from their first album, which is coming forth with impatience as well as the new songs that will be found on another studio album. Check out why Tourists are the most commonly named name in recent times.
Džimi aka EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH as a DJ will after the concert be in charge of maintaining a good atmosphere with the choice of music that influenced the band as well as its music development.
Vintage tickets and pre-sale tickets for Galileo Tours
Pre-sale price: 250RSD
At the entrance: 300RSD