HIP HOP FESTIVAL 2HOT4STAGE 24.02.2018. Dom omladine

HIP HOP FESTIVAL 2HOT4STAGE 24.02.2018. Dom omladine
Makedonska 22, Beograd

PETAK, 23. FEBRUAR 2018. OD 18:00 DO 21:00
Četvrto izdanje festivala koje nosi naziv „Veština je u tebi“ inspirisano je karakterom kulture dalekog istoka, pa će svi posetioci imati priliku da uživaju i u posebnim tematskim interaktivnim sadržajima. Takođe, pored očekivanih atrakcija svi zainteresovani dobiće priliku da svojim učešćem u nekoj aktivaciji osvoje vredne nagrade koje su izdvojili Buzz Sneaker Station i drugi prijatelji festivala.

Program u Domu omladine Beograda:
18:00 – Konferencija za medije
18:00 – 19:30 – Plesna radionica
19:30 – 21:00 – Plesna radionica

Plesne radionice renomiranih i svetski priznatih umetnika. Gostuju Bursa iz Švedske koji će održati breaking radionicu, Zmikatz iz Makedonije sa koreo radionicom i domaći predstavnik, Vesna Groove iz Novog Sada sa specifičnom vogue radionicom u štiklama.


Jedan od najvećih Hip Hop festivala u regionu, 2Hot4Stage Fest okupiće od 23. – 25. februara brojne ljubitelje i umetnike ulične scene bivše SFRJ. Pored susednih zemalja, festival će ugostiti umetnike i iz Rusije, Ukrajine, Francuske, Holandije, Italije, pa ćemo na različitim lokacijama u Beogradu, od Delta City-a, Doma omladine Beograda, do Dorćol Platza i SubBeernog centra, uživati u pravom spektaklu urbane umetnosti.

Tokom ove trodnevne manifestacije, ljubitelji hip hopa imaće priliku da uživaju u nastupima naših poznatih MC-jeva, među kojima su Marčelo, Struka, Kendi, Iskaz, i DJ-jeva Moooka, Timbe, Me High Low, kao i u internacionalnim plesnim takmičenjima, radionicama i dobro poznatim 2H4S žurkama.

I to je samo deo bogatog programa koji su organizatori festivala pripremili. Posetioce očekuje bogat muzički program, različiti nastupi beatbox izvođača, triking performans, izložbeni i prodajni prostor na kome će se predstaviti urbani brendovi domaćih dizajnera, graffiti session i barber i tattoo konvencija.


Beatbox cypher session – Delta City
Open style, dance cypher session – Delta City
MC night / mini rap koncerti – Dorćol Platz , DJ TIMBEFRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2018, 18:00 – 21:00
The fourth edition of the festival, entitled „Skill is in you„, is inspired by the character of the culture of the Far East, so all visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy special thematic interactive contents. In addition to the expected attractions, all interested parties will have the opportunity to win valuable prizes singled out by Buzz Sneaker Station and other friends of the festival with their participation in some activation.

Program in the Youth Center of Belgrade:
18:00 – Press conference
18:00 – 19:30 – Dance workshop
19:30 – 21:00 – Dance workshop


Dance workshops of renowned and world-renowned artists. Guests from Bursa from Sweden will hold a breaking workshop, Zmikatz from Macedonia with a korea workshop and a local representative, Vesna Groove from Novi Sad with a specific workshop in the skirts.



One of the biggest hip hop festivals in the region, 2Hot4Stage Fest will gather on February 23-25th numerous lovers and artists of the street scene of the former SFRY. In addition to the neighboring countries, the festival will host artists from Russia, Ukraine, France, the Netherlands, Italy, and in different locations in Belgrade, from Delta City, the Youth Center of Belgrade, to Dorćol Platz and SubBeer Center, enjoy the real spectacle of urban art.


During this three-day event, fans of hip hop will have the opportunity to enjoy the performances of our famous MCs, including Marcelo, Struka, Kendi, Iskaz, and DJ Moooka, Timbe, Me High Low, as well as in international dance competitions, workshops and well-known 2H4S parties.


And this is just a part of the rich program that the organizers of the festival prepared. Visitors are expected to have a rich musical program, various performances of the beatbox performers, triking performance, exhibition and sales space where urban brands of domestic designers, graffiti session and barber and tattoo conventions will be presented.



Beatbox cypher session – Delta City
Open style, dance cypher session – Delta City
MC night / mini rap concerts – Dorcol Platz, DJ TIMBE


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