Ulaznice: blagajna Sava centra i prodajna mesta www.eventim.rs
Informacije i rezervacije na office@gaf.rs i
Jedan od najznačajnijih svetskih vokala, najveća portugalska zvezda Dulce Pontes Oficial, održaće po prvi put veliki koncert 20. marta u Sava centru u Beogradu, u okviru 19. međunarodnog Guitar Art festivala.
Na beogradskom koncertu Dulsa Ponteš proslaviće 30 godinina svoje bogate karijere, gde će pored velikih hitova publika imati priliku da premijerno čuje neke od numera sa aktuelnog albuma “Peregrinacao”. Ulaznice su u prodaji na blagajni Sava centra i svim drugim prodajnim mestima u mreži Eventim.rs. Cene se kreću od 1.490 do 3.290 dinara. Sve informacije i rezervacije mogu se dobiti pozivom na broj 011/2662020 ili putem mejla na office@gaf.rs.
Dulse Ponteš jedna je od najpriznatijih portugalskih umetnica sa 9 albuma prodatih u više miliona primeraka uz brojna kompilacijska izdanja. Publika širom sveta je prepoznaje po njenoj čuvenoj interpretaciji pesme “Canção do mar“ – koja je postala najizvođenija portugalska pesma svih vremena. U svojoj karijeri sarađivala je sa Sezariom Evorom, Hoseom Karerarsom, Karlosom Nunjesom, Jorgosom Dalarasom, Andreom Bočeli, Eniom Morikoneom i mnogim drugima.
Svojim albumom „Lagrimas“ Dulse Ponteš ponovo otkriva fado, u trenutku kada je bio zaboravljen i kada nova generacija muzičara nije bila zainteresovana za njega. Ovo je album koji je ostao kao jedan od najbolje prodavanih albuma svih vremena u Portugalu. Novu veliku popularnost fada, koja počinje u prvoj deceniji 21. veka, nije moguće zamisliti bez odlučujućeg doprinosa najveće portugalske dive Dulse Ponteš. Ona spaja tradicionalni fado sa savremenim stilovima i traži nove muzičke forme. Njena muzika nije inspirisana samo iberijskom muzičkom tradicijom, već i arapskim, afričkim i brazilskim zvukom.
Saradnja sa legendarnim kompozitorem Eniom Morikoneom zaokružena je na albumu “Focus“, kao zajednički album koji potpisuju oba umetnika. Album je postigao neverovatan uspeh, kao i sledeći dupli CD “A brisa do coração“ koji je uživo snimljen u Koloseumu u Portu. Dulse Ponteš 2017. godine izdaje novi aktuelni album “Peregrinacao” sa kojeg su se izdvojila numera “Meu Amor sem Aranjuez”.
Dulse Ponteš je dobitnik mnogih međunarodnih nagrada, kao što je nagrada “Amigo” za najboljeg izvođača latino muzike i Međunarodna nagrada “Tenco“, zatim prestižna nagrada “Maria Carta“ i “Microfono de oro“.Tickets: the Sava Center cash desk and sales outlets www.eventim.rs
Information and reservations at office@gaf.rs and
One of the most important world vocals, the biggest Portuguese star Dulce Pontes Oficial, will hold for the first time a grand concert on March 20th at the Sava Center in Belgrade, within the 19th International Guitar Art Festival.
At the Belgrade concert Dulce Ponteš will celebrate 30 years of his rich career, where in addition to big hits, the audience will have the opportunity to premiere some of the tracks from the current album „Peregrinacao“. Tickets are available at the Sava Center cash desk and all other outlets in the Eventim.rs network. Prices range from 1,490 to 3,290 dinars. All information and reservations can be obtained by calling 011/2662020 or by e-mail to office@gaf.rs.
Dulse Ponteš is one of the most renowned Portuguese artists with 9 albums sold in millions of copies with numerous compilation editions. Audiences around the world are recognized by her famous interpretation of the song „Canção do Mar“ – which has become the most performed Portuguese song of all time. In her career, she co-operated with Sezaria Evoor, José Carreras, Carlos Nunjes, Yorgos Dalaras, Andrea Bocelli, Enio Morikone and many others.
With his album „Lagrimas“, Dulse Pontez is rediscovering fado, when he was forgotten and when a new generation of musicians were not interested in him. This is the album that has remained one of the best-selling albums of all time in Portugal. The new great popularity of fad, which began in the first decade of the 21st century, can not be imagined without the decisive contribution of the largest Portuguese diva Dulse Ponteš. It combines a traditional fado with contemporary styles and looks for new musical forms. Her music is not only inspired by the Iberian music tradition, but also by Arabic, African and Brazilian sounds.
Co-operation with legendary composer Eniom Morikone is rounded up on the album „Focus“, as a joint album signed by both artists. The album has achieved incredible success, as well as the next double CD „A brisa do coração“, which was live recorded at the Coliseum in Porto. Dulse Pontez is releasing the new album „Peregrinacao“ in 2017, with the song „Meu Amor sem Aranjuez“ singled out.
Dulse Ponteš is the winner of many international awards, such as the „Amigo“ award for the best Latin music performer and the Tenco International Award, followed by the prestigious „Maria Carta“ and „Microfono de oro“ award.
TUESDAY, MARCH 20 | 20:00
SAVA CENTAR (Portugal)
Dulce Pontes Oficial
Péter Girán
Nejc Kuhar & Aleksandar Sedlar
World Guitar Orchestra
Youth Symphony Orchestra of El Sistema
More about performers and festival participants:
Guitar Art has so far organized over 350 concerts with top musicians from over 50 countries of the world. The festival has long overcame the boundaries of classical guitar and exclusively professional audiences, and so far more than 200,000 people have attended festival concerts. We will continue to build an even better festival and develop culture and art in Serbia under the slogan – „BE CONNECTED“.