Novi i drugačiji Tony Cetinski! Jedan od najnagrađivanijih muzičara svakim potezom ispisuje nove muzičke stranice, a sasvim novu priču napisaće na pozornici Sava Centra gde će predstaviti svoj novi acoustic/electric zvuk!
Tony Cetinski je u proteklim godinama dokazao je da je jedan od najbolјih pop izvođača u regionu. Nјegova lјubav prema muzici, vokalne sposobnosti, energičan nastup i moć direktne komunikacije sa publikom, izazvali su oduševlјenje svih posetilaca na njegovim koncertima.
Rasprodane dvorane u Srbiji, Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Bosni i Hercegovini dokaz su i priznanje publike za preko 20 godina uspešne karijere. Koncert „‘ACOUSTIC ELEKTRIC'“ je stepenica više i novi doživlјaj koncerta za vernu publiku.
Tony će na pozornicu Sava Centra izaći u proširenom sastavu.
Najavlјuje da će osim svojih brojnih hitova, kao što su „23. Prosinac“, „Blago onom tko te ima“, „Ako to se zove lјubav“, “Umirem 100 puta dnevno“, “Kad žena zavoli“, “Ja sam zalјublјen“, “Tebe ne bih mijenjao“, izvesti i neke pesme sa novog albuma koji uskoro očekujemo.
Energija po kojoj je Tony poznat, svojevrsna je pozivnica da ne propustite koncert koji će sigurno svima ostati u najlepšem sećanju.
Prodaja ulaznica na blagajni Sava Centra i preko mreže Eventim.
Ticket price: 1900, 2300, 2600 and 3000 dinars
New and different Tony Cetinski! One of the most awarded musicians prints new music pages by every move, and will write a completely new story on the Sava Center stage where he will present his new acoustic / electric sound!
Tony Cetinski has proven to be one of the best pop performers in the region over the years. His love of music, vocal abilities, energetic performance and the power of direct communication with the audience caused the enthusiasm of all visitors at his concerts.
Distributed halls in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina are also proof of the audience’s recognition for over 20 years of successful career. Concert „ACOUSTIC ELEKTRIC“ is a step up and a new concert experience for the faithful audience.
Tony will appear on the Sava Center stage in an expanded band.
He announces that besides his many hits, such as „December 23“, „Blessing to Whoever’s Got You“, „If It’s Love“, „I’m Dying 100 Times a Day“, „When a Woman Comes“ „I’m In Love“, „I Would Not Change You“, and also perform some songs from the new album that we expect soon.
The energy that Tony is known for is an inviting invitation not to miss a concert that will surely keep everyone in the most memorable memory.
Sale of tickets at the Sava Center cashier and through the Eventim network.