Nakon izlaska novog najnovijeg singla „Oči nikad ne stare“, imamo dobar razlog da se 8. marta ponovo, posle dve godine, već 13. put poklonimo beogradskoj publici, na već tradicionalnim koncertima u Sava Centru.
Publika će kao i do sada uživati u intimnoj atmosferi, dobrom zvuku, scenografiji i naravno novim pesmama koje promovišemo u okviru Sergejeve nove koncertne turneje. Do tada, uživajte u novim pesmama, video spotovima i vidimo se u Sava Centru.
Ticket price: 1500.1800, 2000, 2200 and 2500 dinars
After the release of the newest single „Eyes Never Old“, we have a good reason to pay homage to the Belgrade audience on the 8th of March again, after two years, on the already traditional concerts in the Sava Center.
As before, the audience will enjoy an intimate atmosphere, good sound, set design and, of course, new songs that we promote as part of Serge’s new concert tour. Until then, enjoy new songs, video clips and see you at the Sava Center.