>>> IRIE FM <<<
– Subota 16. mart
– Start 22h
– Ulaz 800 rsd
– Rezervacije na tel. 069/1982286
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Ajriefem je bend novog pop zvuka iz Beograda. Meša različite tradicionalne pristupe pop muzici, i povezuje ih, bez mnogo osvrta na žanr, tako da zvuk benda varira od pesme do pesme. Osam članova, jedna dama, „Multi-task“ muzičari, kreativci, okupljeni oko jedne ideje – kreiranje „nove“ muzike koja ima direktan pristup svojoj publici.>>> IRIE FM <<<
– Saturday March 16th
– Start 22h
– Entrance 800 rsd
– Reservations to tel. 069/1982286
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Eriefem is a band of new pop sound from Belgrade. Mixing different traditional approaches to pop music, and linking them, without much consideration to the genre, so that the band’s sound varies from song to song. Eight members, one lady, „Multi-task“ musicians, creators, gathered around one idea – creating „new“ music that has direct access to its audience.
Irie FM – LIVE 16.03.2018. Zappa Barka
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