Nakon izuzetno uspešnog januarskog koncerta, Almost Acoustic će ponovo u Klubu Akademije 28 prirediti omaž muzičkom stvaralaštvu Dejvida Bouvija!
Raznolikost godina i muzičkog iskustva članova benda (ženski i muški vokal, 2 gitare, bas, bubanj i klavijatura) doprinosi specifičnosti i kvalitetu zvuka a njihovi koncerti su jedinstveni ugođaj.
Pored Bouvijeve muzike te večeri uživaćete i u kaverima omiljenih izvođača benda kao što su: Sade, Billy Idol, Chris Rea, Bryan Ferry, Amy Winehouse, Depeche Mode i mnogi drugi…
ULAZ JE SLOBODAN a mesta se mogu rezervisati na: 011 3619 342
Očekujte dobar provod i veliku gužvu!After an extremely successful January concert, Almost Acoustic will again feature in Academy Club 28 for the musical creation of Dey Boulevard!
The variety of years and musical experience of band members (female and male vocals, 2 guitars, bass, drum and keyboards) contributes to the specificity and quality of the sound and their concerts are a unique atmosphere.
In addition to Bouvi’s music, you also enjoy the band’s favorite bands such as Sade, Billy Idol, Chris Rea, Bryan Ferry, Amy Winehouse, Depeche Mode and many others …
INSCRIPTION IS FREE and the places can be booked at: 011 3619 342
Expect a good time and a big crowd!