„Kuhinje sveta“ jedinstveni je festival nacionalnih kuhinja, hrane i opreme za pripremu i serviranje namirnica. Na jednom mestu možete videti međunarodne kompanije, ambasade, proizvođače posuđa vrhunskog kvaliteta i ekskluzivne opreme za pripremu i serviranje hrane, njihova nacionalna jela, proizvode, namirnice i brendove.
Festival zaokružuje ceo proces u spremanju hrane: od zrna do trpeze! „Kuhinje sveta“ je festival koji budi sva čula, ukuse i želje. Tu se jede, uživa i informiše i razvijaju zdravije navike.“Kitchens of the World“ is a unique festival of national cuisine, food and equipment for preparing and serving food. In one place you can see international companies, embassies, top quality crockery manufacturers and exclusive equipment for preparing and serving food, their national dishes, products, groceries and brands.
The festival rounds up the entire process of food storage: from grain to table! „Kitchens of the World“ is a festival that awakens all the senses, tastes and desires. They eat, enjoy and inform and develop healthier habits.
Festival "Kuhinje sveta" 20 – 21.04.2018. Hotel Royal Inn
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