Za sve ljubitelje najvecih metal bendova na svetu, u petak 30.marta u klubu Quarter u Novom Sadu:
Iron Maiden tribute (by Piece od Maiden), 21h
Metallica tribute (by Black), 22:45
Za ovaj koncert se donosi veliki broj scenskih efekata, rasvete, led ekrana, ozvucenja, kamera… pa mozemo ocekivati pravi „Monsters of Metal“ u Quarteru.
Prodaja ulaznica po 400 din na svim GIGS TIX prodajnim mestima:
Na dan koncerta 500 din
PIECE OF MAIDEN – novi Iron Maiden tribute sacinjen od sjajne metal ekipe iz Beograda, na celu sa Bogoljubom Manicem, iz cijeg glasa izlazi Bruce Dickinson 1/1.
Kako je pevao u starom bendu mozete cuti na linkovima:
BLACK – nakon jesenjeg rasprodatog koncerta u Gerili, ovaj Metallica Tribute bend sprema veliki nastup i novine.
Snimak dela koncerta u Zemunu mozete videti na:
Jedno je sigurno, bice puno metal opreme na stage-u, bice puno metal publike u Quarteru. Vidimo se!For all fans of the biggest metal bands in the world, on Friday, March 30 at the club Quarter in Novi Sad:
Iron Maiden tribute (by Piece by Maiden), 21h
Metallica tribute (by Black), 22:45
For this concert, a lot of scenic effects, lighting, ice screens, sounds, cameras … and we can expect the real „Monsters of Metal“ in Quarter.
Ticket sales of 400 dinars at all GIGS TIX outlets:
On the day of the concert 500 din
PIECE OF MAIDEN – the new Iron Maiden tribute made from a great metal team from Belgrade, with Bogoljub Manic, Bruce Dickinson 1/1 comes out of his voice.
As he sang in the old band, you can see the links:
BLACK – after the fall of the sold out concert in Gerila, this Metallica Tribute band is preparing a big show and a newspaper.
You can see the part of the concert in Zemun at:
One thing is certain, there will be a lot of metal equipment on the stage, it will be a lot of metal audience in Quarter. See you!