Metallica VS Iron Maiden tribute 30.03.2018. The Quarter

Metallica VS Iron Maiden tribute 30.03.2018. The Quarter
Bulevar Despota Stefana 5, Novi Sad
Novi SadSrbija

Za sve ljubitelje najvecih metal bendova na svetu, u petak 30.marta u klubu Quarter u Novom Sadu:

Iron Maiden tribute (by Piece od Maiden), 21h
Metallica tribute (by Black), 22:45

Za ovaj koncert se donosi veliki broj scenskih efekata, rasvete, led ekrana, ozvucenja, kamera… pa mozemo ocekivati pravi „Monsters of Metal“ u Quarteru.
Prodaja ulaznica po 400 din na svim GIGS TIX prodajnim mestima:
Na dan koncerta 500 din

PIECE OF MAIDEN – novi Iron Maiden tribute sacinjen od sjajne metal ekipe iz Beograda, na celu sa Bogoljubom Manicem, iz cijeg glasa izlazi Bruce Dickinson 1/1.
Kako je pevao u starom bendu mozete cuti na linkovima:

BLACK – nakon jesenjeg rasprodatog koncerta u Gerili, ovaj Metallica Tribute bend sprema veliki nastup i novine.

Snimak dela koncerta u Zemunu mozete videti na:

Jedno je sigurno, bice puno metal opreme na stage-u, bice puno metal publike u Quarteru. Vidimo se!For all fans of the biggest metal bands in the world, on Friday, March 30 at the club Quarter in Novi Sad:

Iron Maiden tribute (by Piece by Maiden), 21h
Metallica tribute (by Black), 22:45

For this concert, a lot of scenic effects, lighting, ice screens, sounds, cameras … and we can expect the real „Monsters of Metal“ in Quarter.
Ticket sales of 400 dinars at all GIGS TIX outlets:
On the day of the concert 500 din

PIECE OF MAIDEN – the new Iron Maiden tribute made from a great metal team from Belgrade, with Bogoljub Manic, Bruce Dickinson 1/1 comes out of his voice.
As he sang in the old band, you can see the links:

BLACK – after the fall of the sold out concert in Gerila, this Metallica Tribute band is preparing a big show and a newspaper.

You can see the part of the concert in Zemun at:

One thing is certain, there will be a lot of metal equipment on the stage, it will be a lot of metal audience in Quarter. See you!


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