PONEDJELJAK 30.04. • VRATA 20:00 • POČETAK 21:00 • UPAD 40 KN
Sannhet je uvijek bilo teško žanrovski definirati. Od 2010. godine ovaj trio iz Brooklyna plivao je u black metal i post-rock vodama, al nijedan od tih žanrova ih ne definira – bend se i dalje drži ekstremnog zvuka, ali uz veliku dozu pristupačnosti i emocionalne dubine. Za svoje stvari ne pišu tekstove nego podtekstove. Pišu poslanice, ljubavna i oproštajna pisma, ali bez riječi.
Moglo bi se reći da su poput bendova Krallice, Tombs i Yellow Eyes, tj. bendova koji uzimaju poznatije forme i koriste ih kao podlogu za otkrivanje neistraženih teritorija.
Sannhet na ovoj turneji promoviraju svoj treći album „So Numb“ koji je izdao Profound Lore Records prošle godine. Na albumu su napustili black metal zvuk ali su zadržali njegovu energiju, što im je pomoglo da definiraju vlastiti zvuk. Emocije koje ovaj album pobuđuje u slušatelju idu puno dalje od uobičajenih za glazbu koja lako ulazi u uho – štoviše, istovremeno izaziva ekstazu i uzrokuje nemir!
SUM OF R (Švicarska)
Sannhetu društvo na turneji pravi švicarski instumentalni bend Sum Of R.
Na intenzivni i pulsirajući zvuk ovog instrumentalnog benda najviše su utjecali doom, drone, post-metal, noiserock, psychedelic rock i post rock a pozornicu su dijelili s bendovima kao što su Amenra, Wolves In The Throne Room, Pelican, Wolvserpent, Oatbreaker, Oozing Wound, Asva, Puma, Aluk Todolo.
Bit će ovo fenomenalan koncert, ne propusti.
Sannhet – Fernbeds
Sum Of R – Light & Dust
Saznaj više o programu Močvare:
www.mochvara.hr/newsletterMONDAY 30.04. • DOOR 20:00 • START 21:00 • UPDATE 40 KN
Sannhet has always been difficult to define genre. Since 2010, this Brooklyn trio has swam in black metal and post-rock waters, none of these genres define them – the band still holds extreme sound but with a great deal of accessibility and emotional depth. It does not write texts for its own stuff but subtext. They are writing epistles, love letters and farewell letters, but without words.
It could be said that they are like the Krallice, Tombs and Yellow Eyes bands, which take better known forms and use them as a platform for uncovering unexplored territories.
Sannhet on this tour are promoting their third album, „So Numb“, released by Profound Lore Records last year. The album left the black metal sound but retained its energy, which helped them to define their own sound. The emotions excited by this album in the listener go much further than the usual for easy-to-enter music – moreover, at the same time it raises ecstasy and causes discomfort!
SUM OF R (Switzerland)
Sannhetu Society on Tour is the real Swiss instrumental band of Sum Of R.
The intense and pulsating sound of this instrumental band was mostly influenced by the doom, drone, post-metal, noiserock, psychedelic rock and post rock and they shared the stage with bands such as Amenra, Wolves In The Throne Room, Pelican, Wolvserpent, Oatbreaker, Oozing Wound, Asva, Puma, Aluk Todolo.
This will be a phenomenal concert, do not miss it.
Sannhet – Fernbeds
Sum Of R – Light & Dust
Find out more about the Moorage program: