Vlada / Izložba fotografija Goranke Matić 16.04 – 30.05.2018. Kontakt konferencija

Vlada / Izložba fotografija Goranke Matić 16.04 – 30.05.2018. Kontakt konferencija
Cetinjska 15, Beograd
16.Apr.2018 - 30.May.2018
Izlozba Goranke Matić pod nazivom ,,VLADA“ posvećena Vladi Divljanu.

Radovi su nastajali u različitim fazama od perioda prvog albuma grupe Idoli, Odbrana i poslednji dani, kao i koncerata, prvog beogradskog u SKC-u, zagrebačkog u Kulušiću, zatim nastupa u Domu omladine i Hali Pinki.

Izložba prati Vladinu karijeru zaključno sa nastupima Old Stars Benda.

Takođe, biće izloženi i portreti koje je autorka napravila tokom osamdesetih godina.

Izložba je posvećena šezdesetoj godišnjici rođenja Vlade Divljana i biće otvorena u Marsh Creative Production, Cetinjska 15, u sredu, 21. marta, u 19h, na samom početku druge regionalne muzičke Kontakt konferencije.

Posetioci će moći da je pogledaju u naredna tri meseca.

Exhibition by Goranka Matić entitled „VLADA“ dedicated to Vlada Divljan.

The works were produced in various phases of the period of the first album Idoli, the Defense and the last days, as well as concerts, the first Belgrade-based SKC, the Zagreb-based Kulušić, then performing at the Youth Center and Hall Pinki.

The exhibition follows the Government’s career concluding with the performances of the Old Stars Bands.

Also portraits made by the author during the eighties will also be exhibited.

The exhibition is dedicated to the sixtieth anniversary of the birth of the Divljan government and will be opened at Marsh Creative Production, Cetinjska 15, on Wednesday, March 21, at 19h, at the very beginning of the second Regional Music Contact Conference.

Visitors will be able to see her in the next three months.


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