1. Pozicija tela
2. Izbačaji-vrste izbačaja kod različitih trikova
3.Hvatanje-vrste hvatanja kod različitih trikova
4.Kako komplikovano napraviti jednostavnim- metodologija razgradnje trikova na sastavne delove
5.Sastavljanje kombinacija trikova u scenski nastup
1.Izbačaji-vrste izbačaja kod različitih trikova
2.Hvatanje- vrste hvatanja kod različitih trikova
3.Osnove raznih elemenata manipulacije čunjevima- traps, flares, thumb spin, scissors catches, chin stalls, chin roles…
4.Ubacivanje raznih elemenata manipulacije čunjevima u kombinacije trikova
Predznanje protrebno za učestvovanje: solidan osnov žongliranja sa 3 loptice, poželjno znanje osnove žongliranja sa 3 čunja ali nije neophodno.
Tehnički nivo i zahtevnost elemenata i kombinacija koje će se obrađivati na radionici će biti prilagođene nivou veštine samih polaznika.
Voditelj radionice:
Vojislav Šantić je redovni instruktor žongliranja u cirkuskom udruženju Cirkusfera. Žonglersko iskustvo od 10 godina aktivnog treninga, scenskih nastupa i radionica čini ovog artistu vrednim izvorom znanja.
Cena : 2 dana 1000 dinara, 1 dan 700 dinara
Obavezna prijava, ime prezime i broj telefona na vojko.santic@gmail.com
Workshop program:
1. Body position
2. Ejects-types of throws in different tricks
3.Capture-types of captures in different tricks
4. How easy is it to make a simple – methodology of decomposition of tricks to the components
5. Setting up a combination of tricks in stage performance
1.Laws-types of throwouts with different tricks
2.Having – types of captures in different tricks
3. The basics of various elements of manipulation of chunks-traps, flares, thumb spin, scissors catches, chin stalls, chin roles …
4.Supporting various elements of manipulation with the cones in combinations of tricks
Pre-knowledge for participation: a solid basis of juggling with 3 balls, preferably knowledge of the basis of juggling with 3 cones, but not necessary.
The technical level and complexity of the elements and combinations to be processed at the workshop will be tailored to the level of the skills of the participants themselves.
Workshop leader:
Vojislav Šantić is a regular juggling instructor in the circus association Cirkusfer. The junior experience of 10 years of active training, stage performances and workshops makes this artist a valuable source of knowledge.
Price: 2 days 1000 dinars, 1 day 700 dinars
Mandatory application, first name and last name of phone on vojko.santic@gmail.com