Ovo je prilika da kupite nešto autentično sebi, ili nekoj dragoj osobi, kao i da se upoznate sa hand made trendovima u gradu.
Festival je namenjen svim kreativcima, kao i onima koji uživaju u tuđoj kreativnosti. Otvaramo vrata svog prostora za sve one male proizvođače običnih i neobičnih predmeta kojima je jedna stvar zajednička – napravljene su ručno!
Za izlagače:
Prijave za učešće na Hand Made Festivalu poslati najkasnije do 24. aprila, do 17h na e-mail adresu: handmadedorcolplatz@gmail.com.
Prijava treba da sadrži:
– ime i prezime izlagača
– broj telefona izlagača
– naziv brenda
– link ka FB stranici (ukoliko postoji)
– 4 reprezentativne obrađene fotografije proizvoda (do 500 kb po fotografiji). Izbor i kvalitet poslatih fotografija značajno utiče na konačan izbor prijavljenih izlagača.
Nepotpune prijave nećemo uzeti u razmatranje.
Nakon isteka roka za prijavu pregledaćemo sve pristigle prijave i svim izlagačima (ne samo odabranim) ćemo se javiti.
Dorćol Platz obezbeđuje stolove prosečnih dimenzija 150x70cm. Cena kotizacije iznosi 2000,00 din.
Očekujemo vas!
Hand Made Festival is held once a month at Dorćol Platz. This time we are expecting you for the 14th in a row, on Saturday, May 5th, from 11 am to 7 pm!
This is an opportunity to buy something authentic to yourself or some dear person, as well as getting to know the hand trends in the city.
The festival is intended for all creators, as well as for those who enjoy other creativity. We open the doors of our space to all those small manufacturers of ordinary and unusual items that are one thing in common – they are made by hand!
For exhibitors:
Applications for participation in the Hand Made Festival should be sent no later than April 24th, by 5pm to e-mail address: handmadedorcolplatz@gmail.com.
The application should contain:
– the name and surname of the exhibitor
– phone number of the exhibitor
– brand name
– link to FB page (if any)
– 4 representative processed product photos (up to 500 kb per photo). The choice and quality of the photos sent significantly influences the final selection of registered exhibitors.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
After the expiration of the deadline for the application, we will review all received applications and we will contact all exhibitors (not only selected).
Dorcol Platz provides tables of average size 150x70cm. The price of the registration fee is 2000,00 din.
We expect your!