Bokee će nam ulepšati ovaj početak subote i obojiti je malo progresivnijim bojama. Vidimo se od 4 ujutru 🙂
Bokee je stupio na muzičku scenu Srbije krajem 90-tih tako što se zaposlio na radiju. U to vreme trance je bio veoma popularan pa je bio zadužen za emisiju “New Generation” koju ste mogli slušati na Top FM radio talasima. Nešto kasnije pokreće nove emisije, “Club Expirience” i “Groovilicius” sa kolegom Dachom na Venus radiju i organizacija Kinetic Vibe je rođena.
Godine 2005. proglašen je za DJ-a broj 2 na tada popularnom sajtu i naredne četiri godine je uvek bio u Top 3. Veoma je aktivan kao DJ, jer ne postoji klub, festival ili veća žurka gde nije radio, bilo kao rezident, bilo kao podrška stranim artistima. 2009. sa kolegom Markom Vukovićem formira SillyHeadz organizaciju.
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VIDIMO SE!!! :)Bokee will beautify this early Saturday and color it in a bit more progressive colors. See you from 4 in the morning 🙂
Bokee entered the music scene of Serbia in the late 1990s by getting on the radio. At that time, trance was very popular, so he was in charge of the New Generation show that you could listen to on Top FM radio waves. Sometime later, it launches new shows, „Club Expirience“ and „Groovilicius“ with Dacha’s colleague on Venus Radio and Kinetic Vibe organization was born.
In 2005, he was named DJ No. 2 at the then popular website, and for the next four years he has always been in Top 3. He is very active as a DJ, as there is no club, festival or a bigger party where he did not work, either as a resident, or as a support to foreign artists. In 2009, with his colleague Mark Vukovic, he formed the SillyHeadz organization.
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