Kad se na jednom mestu nađu pravi ljudi, nastaje skoro pa nezamislivi spoj sa iznenađujućim zvukom za sve njihove dotadašnje fanove, zvuk 70-ih: ABBA Real Tribute Band. Zašto? Jer ovim prostorima pod hitno treba injekcija dobre zabave, nešto novo, a već svima jako dobro poznato, neobavezna svirka, na kojoj muzičari oduševljavaju ne samo muzički nego i svojom koreografijom i kostimima. Jer oni to rade iz srca i potpuno uživaju u svojim nastupima. Vrhunski muzičari u saradnji sa spoljnim saradnicima uvek naprave dobru žurku, publici kao i sebi, a to se itekako vidi. Hitove poput Waterloo, Ring Ring, Mamma mia, SOS i mnoooge druge sviraju na originalan način, ali opet ne izlazeći iz okvira autentičnog.When the right people find themselves in one place, there is an almost unimaginable connection with a surprising sound for all their fans, the 70s: the ABBA Real Tribute Band. Why? Because these areas need urgent injection of good entertainment, something new, and for everyone, a very well-known, non-compulsory gig, where musicians delight not only music but also their choreography and costumes. Because they do it out of the heart and fully enjoy their performances. Top musicians in cooperation with external associates always make a good party, the audience as well as themselves, and this is clearly seen. Hitles such as Waterloo, Ring Ring, Mamma Mia, SOS and many others play in the original way, but again without going beyond the authentic.
Abba Real Tribute Bend Live 26.01.2018. Ben Akiba
![Abba Real Tribute Bend Live 26.01.2018. Ben Akiba](https://adriafest.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/26230749_749752688567932_8227995032480212318_n.jpg)