Priprema, pozor… Advent u Zagrebu!
Zvuci božićnih zvončića, mirisi medenjaka, kuhanog vina i raznih oblizeka,… Ma dovoljno je samo da se prepustite uživanju! Zagreb u adventsko vrijeme nudi pregršt događaja i manifestacija koje će zadovoljiti ukus i najzahtjevnijih posjetitelja. Zabava, dobra klopa, jedinstveni događaji, umjetnost, ali i istinski blagdanski ugođaj čekaju vas na ulicama glavnoga grada. Nemojte čekati Djeda Božićnjaka pokraj kamina, pronađite ga u gradu. Obavezno ulaštite svoje čizmice prije polaska, jer čeka vas pregršt ugodnih iznenađenja i glazbeni program uz koji je dobra čagica neizostavna!
Ready, set… Advent in Zagreb!
The sound of Christmas bells, the scent of gingerbread, mulled wine and various other delicacies… Just forget everything and enjoy all these wonderful things! During the Advent season, Zagreb offers a variety of events that will satisfy even the most demanding visitors. Plenty of fun, excellent food, unique events, art, but also a genuine Christmas atmosphere, await you on the streets of Croatia’s capital. Don’t wait for Santa sitting by your fireplace, find him in the city! Make sure you polish your boots before you go because we have in store for you a number of pleasant surprises, including the musical program which will make you want to dance all night long!