U staklencu, na drugome spratu,u prostoru Centra za Kulturu Angola Kapuere, pod pokroviteljstvom saveza Djembija, održace se radionice afričkih ritmova i plesova u organizaciji Vladimira Nikolića ljubitelja afričke kulture. Gost na ovom seminaru i predavač biće Babacar Dieng, rodom iz Senegala koji je svoj život posvetio muzici sopstvenog naroda. Radionice su otvorene za sve uzraste, polne orijentacije, različite rase i klase! Nije neophodno predznanje! Jedinstvenu priliku za ovu radionicu možete ostvariti uz doprinos savezu od skromnih 1000 Dinara po dvosatnom času za instrument i 1000 dinara za dvosatni čas plesa. Časovi će se održavati od 18 do 22, oba dana, sa podelom na plesni i instrumentalni deo. Ako je iko zainteresovan da pohadja oba možemo napraviti dogovor. Broj instrumenata je ograničen pa s toga važi pravilo „first come first served“! Ako neko ima izrazitu želju da pohadja čas a nije u mogućnosti da plati dobrodošao je na upoznavanje i večernji afro jamm koji će biti organizovan u jednom od Beogradskih lokala na kom će učesnici seminara biti pozvani da održe nastup i demonstriraju naučeno. Kao što je podmenuto Babacar Dieng će biti vodeći učitelj za ples i instrument gđe će akcenat biti ponajviše na takozvanom ritmu Sunu, njegovim propratnim pozivima i tradicionalnom soliranju. Dobrodošli svi-prijave mogu i biti učinjene unapred kontaktom na moju fejsbuk stranicu ili stranicu Organizacije DjembijaIn the glasshouse, on the second floor, workshops of African rhythms and dances will be held in the premises of the Cultural Center of Angola Capuera under the auspices of the Djemby Association, organized by Vladimir Nikolic amateur of African culture. Guest at this seminar and lecturer will be Babacar Dieng, a native of Senegal who dedicated his life to the music of his own people. Workshops are open to all ages, full orientations, different races and classes! It’s not necessary beforehand! You can achieve a unique opportunity for this workshop with the contribution of the union of modest 1000 Dinars per two-hour time for the instrument and 1000 dinars for a two-hour dance time. The classes will be held from 18 to 22, both days, with a split on the dance and instrumental part. If anyone is interested in attending, we can make an agreement. The number of instruments is limited and therefore the „first come first served“ rule applies! If someone has a strong desire to attend the time and is not able to pay, he is welcome to meet and evening afro jamm that will be organized in one of the Belgrade locales where the participants of the seminar will be invited to hold the show and demonstrate the learned. As the subcontractor Babacar Dieng will be the leading dance teacher and instrument, his accent will be primarily on the so-called rhythm of the Sun, his accompanying calls and traditional salvation. Welcome all-entries can also be made in advance by contacting me on my Facebook page or the Djembia Organization page
Afrički ritam i ples – gost Babacar Dieng 02.12.2017. Angola Kapuera