Aleksandra Radović 24.11.2017. KC Lazarevac

Aleksandra Radović 24.11.2017. KC Lazarevac
HILANDARSKA 2, Lazarevac

Aleksandra Radović je postala prva pop pevačica koja je rasprodala 2 koncerta u Sava Centru, čime je pokazala da ja naša najveća ženska pop zvezda.

Aleksandra Radović je rođena 10. septembra 1974. godine u Bogatiću. Završila je srednju muzičku školu u Šapcu i Muzičku Akademiju u Novom Sadu. Od 1998-2002 godine Aleksandra snima džinglove i najavne špice za TV Pink, a potom postaje jedan od najtraženijih pratećih vokala u SCG. 2000 godine prvi put nastupa samostalno na festivalu “Sunčane skale” gde je nastupila sa pesmom “Bori se”, a tri godine kasnije na istom festivalu nastupa sa pesmom “Kao so u moru” sa kojom osvaja 2. mesto. Nakon dva meseca objavljuje svoj prvi solo album za “City records”. Nakon toga izdala je još dva albuma i osvojila brojne nagrade za pevačicu godine i najbolje interpretacije. Takođe ima svoju školu Pevanja u kojoj radi sa mladim i talentovanim ljudima a od septembra 2012. godine angažovana je kao član žirija u emisiji „Prvi glas Srbije“.

Aleksandra Radović became the first pop singer to sell 2 concerts in the Sava Center, which showed that she is our biggest female pop star.

Aleksandra Radovic was born on September 10, 1974 in Bogatic. She finished her secondary music school in Sabac and the Music Academy in Novi Sad. From 1998-2002, Aleksandra is recording jigsaws and announcements for TV Pink, and then becomes one of the most sought-after accompanying vocals in SCG. In 2000 she performed for the first time alone at the „Suncane Scale“ festival where she performed with the song „Fighting“, and three years later she performed at the same festival with the song „Like in the Sea“ with which she won 2nd place. After two months he released his first solo album for „City Records“. After that, she released two other albums and won numerous awards for the singer of the year and best interpretations. She also has her own school of singing in which she works with young and talented people, and since September 2012 she has been engaged as a jury member in the show „The First Voice of Serbia“.


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