Jeste li bili na prošlom Alenu u Saxu? Ako niste, ne znamo hoćete li uspjeti i ovaj put. Jer svi koji su bili će htjeti doći opet, a bilo je rasprodano. Bio je to jedan od onih epskih koncerata koji će se prepričavati unucima.
ALENE! ALENE! ALENE! Nema osobe koja se probudila u nedjelju, a da joj ovo nije odzvanjalo u ušima.
Alena ne treba posebno predstavljati. Svira nekoliko instrumenata, na sceni je gotovo 25 godina, 1997. odlukom predsjednika Tuđmana dobio je Red Danice hrvatske s likom Marka Marulića za osobit doprinos kulturi. Ne treba dalje.
Subota, 24. veljače, Sax. Cijena ulaznice je 55/70 kn, informacije o pretprodaji bit će dostupne uskoro.
Gušti su gušti, gušti su u Saxu uz Alena Vitasovića i njegov bend. Vidimo se!
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Ostali eventi u organizaciji Hangtime Agencya: you been to Alena in Sax? If you do not, we do not know if you will succeed this time too. Because everyone who wanted to come again was sold out. It was one of those epic concerts that will recount the grandchildren.
ALENE! ALENE! ALENE! There is no person who woke up on Sunday, and she did not hear that in her ears.
Alena does not need to be specially represented. He loves several instruments, on the scene for almost 25 years, 1997. By the decision of President Tuđman he received the Red Danica hrvatska with the character of Marka Marulić for a special contribution to culture. No need to go further.
Saturday, February 24, Sax. Ticket price is 55/70 kn, pre-sale information will be available shortly.
They are sorry, they are in Sax with Alen Vitasovic and his band. See you!
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